Integrated pest management in Peru


The successful Peruvian cotton IPM program, begun in the 1950s, has now been extended to various other countries. Currently, IPM in export crops such as cotton, citrus, sugarcane, mango and asparagus has improved marginal profits for Peruvian producers. In crops for domestic consumption such as potato, IPM has improved the food supply for the Andean population. In addition, it has reduced the risk of pesticide exposure, pesticide residues in food and in the environment. Potato IPM has also socially impacted the resource-poor farmers on Peruvian mountains.


12 páginas

Palabras clave

IPM, Peru, Cotton, Citrus, Olives, Sugarcane


Palacios, M.; Lizárraga, A.; Velásquez, R.; Carranza, H. & Segovia, I. (2003). Integrated pest management in Peru. En K. M. Maredia, D. Dakouo & S. Mota., Integrated Pest Management in the Global Arena (pp. 328-339). CABI Publishing.

Sede Central: Av. La Molina 1981 - La Molina. Lima. Perú - 15024

Central telefónica (511) 240-2100 / 240-2350

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