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Reporte de Repositorio Institucional del 01 al 31 de diciembre 2024
(Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria, 2025-01-29) Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria
Durante el mes de diciembre se incorporaron 16 publicaciones técnico científicas, en el Repositorio Institucional del INIA, contando a la fecha con un total de 2489 publicaciones, divididas en comunidades y colecciones. El objetivo de este reporte es mantener actualizados los datos sobre las publicaciones técnico-científicas que vienen siendo incorporadas por el área a cargo de la administración del Repositorio Institucional del INIA
Reporte Anual del Repositorio Institucional del INIA 2024
(Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria, 2025-01-29) Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria
En el reporte anual del Repositorio Institucional del INIA, se muestra un comparativo del total de documentos técnico científicos registrados a diciembre 2023 (2290) y diciembre 2024 (2489). Se observa un incremento de 199 registros incorporados el 2024 al Repositorio Institucional, en comparación a lo reportado el año 2023. El objetivo de este reporte es mantener actualizados los datos sobre las publicaciones técnico-científicas que vienen siendo incorporadas por el área a cargo de la administración del Repositorio Institucional del INIA.
Reporte de Investigadores del INIA en RENACYT del 01 al 31 de diciembre 2024
(Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria, 2025-01-27) Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria
En este reporte de investigadores del INIA en RENACYT se observa que al finalizar el mes de diciembre se cuenta con un total de 102 investigadores, distribuidos a nivel nacional en las diferentes Estaciones Experimentales Agrarias. El objetivo de este reporte es mantener actualizados los datos sobre los investigadores del INIA calificados en el RENACYT.
MultiProduct Optimization of Cedrelinga cateniformis (Ducke) Ducke in Different Plantation Systems in the Peruvian Amazon
(MDPI, 2025-01-16) Baselly-Villanueva, Juan Rodrigo; Fernández-Sandoval, Andrés; Salazar-Hinostroza, Evelin Judith; Cárdenas-Rengifo, Gloria Patricia; Puerta, Ronald; Chuquizuta Trigoso, Tony Steven; Rufasto-Peralta, Yennifer Lisbeth; Vallejos-Torres, Geomar; Goycochea Casas, Gianmarco; Araújo Junior, Carlos Alberto; Quiñónez-Barraza, Gerónimo; Álvarez-Álvarez, Pedro; Garcia Leite, Helio
This study addressed multi-product optimization in Cedrelinga cateniformis plantations in the Peruvian Amazon, aiming to maximize volumetric yields of logs and sawn lumber. Data from seven plantations of different ages and types, established on degraded land, were analyzed by using ten stem profile models to predict taper and optimize wood use. In addition, the structure of each plantation was evaluated using diameter distributions and height–diameter ratios; log and sawn timber production was optimized using SigmaE 2.0 software. The Garay model proved most effective, providing high predictive accuracy (adjusted R2 values up to 0.963) and biological realism. Marked differences in volumetric yield were observed between plantations: older and more widely spaced plantations produced higher timber volumes. Logs of optimal length (1.83–3.05 m) and larger dimension wood (e.g., 25.40 × 5.08 cm) were identified as key contributors to maximizing volumetric yields. The highest yields were observed in mature plantations, in which the total log volume reached 508.1 m3ha−1 and the sawn lumber volume 333.6 m3ha−1 . The findings demonstrate the power of data-driven decision-making in the timber industry. By combining precise modeling and optimization techniques, we developed a framework that enables sawmill operators to maximize log and lumber yields. The insights gained from this research can be used to improve operational efficiency and reduce waste, ultimately leading to increased profitability. These practices promote support for smallholders and the forestry industry while contributing to the long-term development of the Peruvian Amazon.
Crecimiento del “shihuahuaco” Dipteryx ferrea (Ducke) Ducke en plantaciones bajo diferentes espaciamientos y tipos de suelo en Ucayali, Amazonía peruana
(Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Facultad de Ciencias Forestales, 2025-01-10) Flores, Ymber
Se presentan los resultados de los ensayos experimentales con Dipteryx ferrea (Ducke) Ducke, especie forestal conocida como “shihuahuaco”, establecidas bajo cuatro sistemas forestales y agroforestales diferentes en el Centro Experimental Alexander von Humboldt, Ucayali, a una altitud de 225 m.s.n.m, diferenciados por el arreglo espacial implementado, el espaciamiento inicial y tipo de suelo, y con 11 años de edad. Se obtuvieron mediciones de la altura total, el diámetro a la altura del pecho (DAP), el área basal y el volumen maderable de las plantaciones. Los resultados muestran el potencial de D. ferrea en términos de crecimiento, supervivencia y productividad en las plantaciones a campo abierto puras y mixtas. El sistema 1, en suelo Plinthic acrisol, fisiografía plana y distanciamiento de 5 × 5 m, presenta el más alto valor de DAP promedio, altura total promedio y altura dominante, con 20.23 cm, 13.9 m y 16.8 m respectivamente. Estos resultados son estadísticamente superiores (p < 0.05) a los de otras plantaciones analizadas y muestran un rendimiento prometedor. En productividad, el sistema 3, en suelo Plinthic gleysol, fisiografía plana y distanciamiento de 2 × 2 m, presenta el más alto valor de área basal y volumen de madera rolliza con 38.40 m2/ha y 243.3 m3/ha respectivamente, muy superior estadísticamente a los otros sistemas, pero muy influido también por la alta densidad de la plantación. Estos hallazgos sugieren perspectivas alentadoras para el establecimiento de plantaciones de D. ferrea en plantaciones forestales.
Guía práctica de inseminación artificial del ganado vacuno en el trópico
(Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria, INIA, 2024-12-27) Alvarado Atanacio, Carlos Enrique; Juancho Ramirez, Ronald
Díptico de la “Guía práctica de inseminación artificial del ganado vacuno en el trópico”.
Reporte de Investigadores del INIA en RENACYT del 01 al 30 de noviembre 2024
(Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria, 2024-11-30) Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria, INIA
En este reporte de investigadores del INIA en RENACYT se observa que al finalizar el mes de noviembre se cuenta con un total de 100 investigadores, divididas en 87 afiliados y 13 no afiliados. El objetivo de este reporte es mantener actualizados los datos sobre los investigadores del INIA en el RENACYT.
Sex-induced changes in microbial eukaryotes and prokaryotes in gastrointestinal tract of simmental cattle
(MDPI, 2024-11-15) Rojas Cruz, Diorman; Estrada Cañari, Richard; Romero Avila, Yolanda Madelein; Figueroa Venegas, Deyanira Antonella; Quilcate Pairazamán, Carlos Enrique; Ganoza Roncal, Jorge Juan; Maicelo, Jorge L.; Coila, Pedro; Alvarado, Wigoberto; Cayo Colca, Ilse S.
This study investigates gender-based differences in the gut microbiota of Simmental cattle, focusing on bacterial, archaeal, and fungal communities. Fecal samples were collected and analyzed using high-throughput sequencing, with taxonomic classification performed through the SILVA and UNITE databases. Alpha and beta diversity metrics were assessed, revealing significant differences in the diversity and composition of archaeal communities between males and females. Notably, females exhibited higher alpha diversity in archaea, while beta diversity analyses indicated distinct clustering of bacterial and archaeal communities by gender. The study also identified correlations between specific microbial taxa and hematological parameters, with Treponema and Methanosphaera showing gender-specific associations that may influence cattle health and productivity. These findings highlight the importance of considering gender in microbiota-related research and suggest that gender-specific management strategies could optimize livestock performance. Future research should explore the role of sex hormones in shaping these microbial differences.
Changes in gut microbiota in peruvian cattle genetic nucleus by breed and correlations with beef quality
(MDPI, 2024-11-29) Quilcate Pairazamán, Carlos Enrique; Estrada Cañari, Richard; Romero Avila, Yolanda Madelein; Rojas Cruz, Diorman; Mamani Chullo, Rolando; Hañari Quispe, Renán Dilton; Aliaga, Mery; Galindo, Walter; Vásquez, Héctor V.; Maicelo, Jorge L.; Arbizu, Carlos I.
This study evaluated the gut microbiota and meat quality traits in 11 healthy female cattle from the Huaral region of Peru, including 5 Angus, 3 Braunvieh, and 3 F1 Simmental × Braunvieh. All cattle were 18 months old and maintained on a consistent lifelong diet. Meat quality traits, including loin area, fat thickness, muscle depth, and marbling, were assessed in vivo using ultrasonography. Fecal samples were collected for microbiota analysis, and DNA was extracted for 16S and 18S rRNA sequencing to characterize bacterial, fungal, and protist communities. Significant correlations were observed between microbial genera and meat traits: Christensenellaceae R-7 and Alistipes were positively associated with marbling and muscle area, while Rikenellaceae RC9 showed a negative correlation with fat thickness. Among fungi, Candida positively correlated with marbling, while Trichosporon was negatively associated with muscle depth. For protists, Entodinium negatively correlated with fat thickness and marbling. Alpha diversity varied by breed, with Angus showing greater bacterial diversity, and beta diversity analyses indicated a strong breed influence on microbial composition. These findings suggest that microbial composition, shaped by breed and dietary consistency, could serve as an indicator of meat quality, offering insights into gut microbiota’s role in optimizing cattle production.
Development and application of microsatellite markers for genetic diversity assessment and construction of a core collection of Myrciaria dubia (Kunth) Mcvaugh germplasm from the peruvian Amazon
(MDPI, 2024-10-25) Castro, Juan C.; Vasquez Guizado, Stalin J.; Vigil, Bianca E.; Ascue, Francisco; Rojas Villa, Naysha; Paredes, Jae D.; Cobos, Marianela; Castro, Carlos G.; Motta, Daniel E.; Adrianzén, Pedro M.; Imán Correa, Sixto Alfredo; Maddox, J. Dylan
The Amazonian shrub Myrciaria dubia (camu-camu) produces vitamin C-rich fruits of growing commercial interest. However, sustainable utilization requires assessment and protection of the genetic diversity of the available germplasm. This study aimed to develop and apply microsatellite markers to assess genetic diversity and construct a core collection of M. dubia germplasm from the Peruvian Amazon. Sixteen polymorphic microsatellite loci were developed using an enrichment approach. The evaluation of 336 genotypes from 43 accessions of the germplasm bank, originating from eight river basins, was conducted using these newly developed markers. Genetic diversity parameters, including observed and expected heterozygosity, were calculated. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) was performed to assess the distribution of genetic variation within and among accessions and river basins. Bayesian clustering analysis was employed to infer population structure. A core collection was constructed to maximize allelic richness. High genetic diversity was observed, with heterozygosity values ranging from 0.468 to 0.644 (observed) and 0.684 to 0.817 (expected) at the river basin level. AMOVA indicated significant genetic variation within (73–86%) compared to among (14–27%) accessions and river basins. Bayesian clustering detected ten genetic clusters, with several degrees of admixture among river basins, except for the genetically homogeneous Putumayo River basin. A core collection comprising 84 plant genotypes (25% of the full collection) was established, representing 90.82% of the overall allelic diversity. These results have important implications for M. dubia conservation strategies and breeding programs, in demonstrating a need for genetic connectivity between populations but preserving unique genetic resources in isolated basins. These results validate the expected levels of diversity and population subdivision in a crop and stress the need to secure genetically diverse germplasms, underscoring the importance of thorough genetic characterization for ex situ germplasm management.

Sede Central: Av. La Molina 1981 - La Molina. Lima. Perú - 15024

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