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Ítem Caracterización molecular de Heliconia sp. utilizando la técnica RAPD(Centro de Preparación para la Ciencia y Tecnología, 2019-01-14) Gutierrez, Freddy; Ramirez, Roberson; Adrianzén Julca, Pedro Marcelino; Cobos, Marianela; Pinedo Freyre, Sergio Fernando; Imán Correa, Sixto Alfredo; Castro, JuanEste trabajo se realizó entre los meses de Julio a Setiembre del 2010, con el objetivo de caracterizar molecularmente a la especie Heliconia sp. Utilizando el marcador molecular RAPD. Para esto, se realizó la purificación del ADN genómico de la especie en estudio obteniéndose buenos resultados en cuanto a la calidad y la cantidad del ADN purificado, el cual fue verificado con los métodos electroforético y espectrofotométrico, la cantidad de ADN obtenido en promedio fue de 92.8 ng/ μl, asimismo el ratio de calidad promedio fue de 2.2. Para la amplificación de los productos de la PCR se empleó el iniciador MT3R, obteniéndose mucho polimorfismo. Los productos de la PCR tuvieron tamaños de 750 pb hasta 2050 pb. En cuanto a la caracterización molecular, se realizó un dendograma (UPGMA) utilizando el programa estadístico NTSIS versión 2.0. Asimismo se obtuvo la formación de 2 grupos (clusters) y 2 fugas donde se observó la aparición de “aparentes duplicados” en algunos de ellos, es decir, que comparten el mismo patrón genético con un 100% de similitud. Además el valor de la heterocigosidad esperada fue de 0.14, valor relativamente bajo, posiblemente al tipo de reproducción que posee este género, el cual es la autogamica.Ítem Clonación y filogenia molecular de un segmento del gen codante de la actina de Myrciaria dubia "camu camu": un candidato para gen de referencia(Universidad Científica del Perú, 2012-12-28) Castro Gómez, Juan Carlos; Cobos Ruiz, Marianela; Egoavil Reátegui, Alina del Carmen; Ramírez Saavedra, Roberson; Imán Correa, Sixto Alfredo; Adrianzén Julca, Pedro Marcelino; Marapara del Aguila, Jorge Luis[ES] Myrciaria dubia “camu-camu” es un frutal amazónico caracterizado por su amplia variación de vitamina C. Pero los estudios genético moleculares que puedan explicar esta variación son limitados. Por ello nuestro objetivo fue realizar la clonación y filogenia molecular de un segmento del gen codante de la actina de M. dubia. Las muestras fueron obtenidas de la colección de germoplasma del INIA. Luego, el ARN fue purificado y mediante RT-PCR con cebadores degenerados se amplificó un segmento del gen. En base a la secuencia obtenida se diseñaron cebadores específicos para PCR en tiempo real. Los resultados muestran que se ha aislado, clonado y secuenciado un segmento del gen codante de actina de M. dubia y detectado su expresión en hojas, pulpa y cáscara de M. dubia. Así, con el soporte de herramientas bioinformáticas y uso de técnicas de biología molecular hemos aislado, clonado y secuenciado un segmento del gen codante de la actina de M. dubia. Asimismo, los análisis realizados muestran que el gen se expresa y presenta niveles similares de expresión en hojas, pulpa y cáscara de M. dubia. Sin embargo, es necesario realizar más experimentos a fin de verificar su estabilidad de expresión. ---- [EN] Myrciaria dubia “camu-camu” is an amazonian fruit tree characterized for its ample variation in vitamin C. But molecular genetic studies that explains this variation are limited. Hence our objective was to accomplish cloning and molecular phylogeny of the segment of actin coding gene from M. dubia. The samples were obtained from germoplasma's collection of the INIA. Next, the ARN was purified and by RT-PCR with degenerate primers was amplified a segment of the gene. After, on the basis of the sequence obtained, specific primers were designed for real time PCR. Results showed that was isolated, cloned and sequenced a segment of actin gene coding from M. dubia. Thus with the support of bioinformatics tools and molecular biology techniques we have isolated, cloned and sequenced a segment of actin coding gene from M. dubia. Additionally, analyses showed that the gene have similar expression levels in leaves, pulp and peel from M. dubia. However, it is necessary to realize more experiments in order to verify its expression stability.Ítem Dataset of de novo assembly and functional annotation of the transcriptome during germination and initial growth of seedlings of Myrciaria Dubia “camu-camu”(Elsevier, 2020-06-11) Castro Gómez, Juan Carlos; Maddox, J. Dylan; Rodríguez, Hicler N.; Castro, Carlos G.; Imán Correa, Sixto Alfredo; Cobos Ruiz, Marianela; Paredes, Jae D.; Marapara del Aguila, Jorge Luis; Braga, Janeth; Adrianzén Julca, Pedro MarcelinoMyrciaria dubia “camu-camu” is a native shrub of the Amazon that is commonly found in areas that are flooded for three to four months during the annual hydrological cycle. This plant species is exceptional for its capacity to biosynthesize and accumulate important quantities of a variety of health-promoting phytochemicals, especially vitamin C [1], yet few genomic resources are available [2]. Here we provide the dataset of a de novo assembly and functional annotation of the transcriptome from a pool of samples obtained from seeds during the germination process and seedlings during the initial growth (until one month after germination). Total RNA/mRNA was purified from different types of plant materials (i.e., imbibited seeds, germinated seeds, and seedlings of one, two, three, and four weeks old), pooled in equimolar ratio to generate the cDNA library and RNA paired-end sequencing was conducted on an Illumina HiSeq™2500 platform. The transcriptome was de novo assembled using Trinity v2.9.1 and SuperTranscripts v2.9.1. A total of 21,161 transcripts were assembled ranging in size from 500 to 10,001 bp with a N50 value of 1,485 bp. Completeness of the assembly dataset was assessed using the Benchmarking Universal Single-Copy Orthologs (BUSCO) software v2/v3. Finally, the assembled transcripts were functionally annotated using TransDecoder v3.0.1 and the web-based platforms Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) Automatic Annotation Server (KAAS), and FunctionAnnotator.Ítem In-depth genetic diversity and population structure of endangered Peruvian Amazon rosewood germplasm using Genotyping by Sequencing (GBS) technology(MDPI, 2021-02-08) Azhar Nadeem, Muhammad; Vasquez Guizado, Stalin Juan; Qasim Shahid, Muhammad; Amjad Nawaz, Muhammad; Habyarimana, Ephrem; Ercişli, Sezai; Ali, Fawad; Karaköy, Tolga; Aasim, Muhammad; Hatipoğlu, Rüştü; Castro Gómez, Juan Carlos; Marapara Del Aguila, Jorge Luis; Adrianzén Julca, Pedro Marcelino; Torres Canales, Esperanza; Hwan Yang, Seung; Chung, Gyuhwa; Shehzad Baloch, FaheemResearch studies on conservative genetics of endangered plants are very important to establish the management plans for the conservation of biodiversity. Rosewood is an evergreen tree of the Amazon region and its essential oil has great acceptance in the medical and cosmetic industry. The present study aimed to explore the genetic diversity and population structure of 90 rosewood accessions collected from eight localities of Peruvian Amazon territory through DArTseq markers. A total of 7485 informative markers resulted from genotyping by sequencing (GBS) analysis were used for the molecular characterization of rosewood germplasm. Mean values of various calculated diversity parameters like observed number of alleles (1.962), the effective number of alleles (1.669), unbiased expected heterozygosity (0.411), and percent polymorphism (93.51%) over the entire germplasm showed the existence of a good level of genetic variations. Our results showed that the Mairiricay population was more diverse compared to the rest of the populations. Tamshiyacu-2 and Mairiricay-15 accessions were found genetically distinct accessions. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) reflected maximum variations (75%) are due to differences within populations. The implemented clustering algorithms, i.e.; STRUCTURE, neighbor-joining analysis and principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) separated the studied germplasm on the basis of their geographical locations. Diversity indices for STRUCTURE-based populations showed that subpopulation A is more diverse population than the rest of the populations, for such reason, individuals belonging to this subpopulation should be used for reintroduction or reinforcement plans of rosewood conservation. We envisage that molecular characterization of Peruvian rosewood germplasm with DArTseq markers will provide a platform for the conservation, management and restoration of endangered rosewood in upcoming years.