Estimates of Soil Organic Carbon in the Ojos de Agua and El Quinillal Forests in the Central Huallaga of Peru.

dc.contributor.authorMendoza Lopez, Karla
dc.contributor.authorOrdoñez Sanchez, Luis
dc.contributor.authorValdez Andia, Manuel Jesus
dc.contributor.authorLozano Chung, Andi
dc.contributor.authorGarcia Gonzales, Patricia E.
dc.contributor.authorSaavedra Ramirez, Jorge
dc.contributor.authorMacedo Cordova, Wilder
dc.contributor.authorBaselly-Villanueva, Juan Rodrigo
dc.contributor.authorReategui, Keneth
dc.contributor.authorGaona Jimenez, Nery
dc.contributor.authorVallejos Torres, Geomar
dc.description.abstractThe Peruvian Amazon has experienced large losses of forest cover due to changes in land use, contributing to increases in CO2 in the atmosphere. This study estimated the organic carbon content of forest soil in two forests "Ojos de Agua" and "El Quinillal" in the Central Huallaga of Peru, establishing three types of cover: (i) primary, (ii) intervened, and (iii) deforested. For this purpose, 24 plots of 100 m² were established and samples were extracted at a depth of 0-20 cm. The effect of the type of forest cover on soil carbon (Organic Carbon-SOC, Inorganic Carbon-SIC, Saturated Carbon-SC, Critical Carbon-CC, Saturated Carbon Deficit-SCD, and Organic Carbon-OC) was analyzed by means of an Analysis of Variance, correlation. Likewise, the relationship between carbon (C) and soil properties was evaluated by principal component analysis and correlation network. The results indicated that the highest SOC averages were found in the primary forests of Ojos de Agua and El Quinillal with 3.54% and 2.51%. The lowest values were found in the deforested forests with 1.34% and 1.46%. The calculation of the saturated C levels of the soil showed an average of 28.63% ± 2.14% and the saturated carbon deficit of 26.63% ± 2.45%, whereas the critical threshold of C showed an average of 2.21% ± 0.18%. The highest SOC content found in the Ojos de Agua primary forest is due to the presence of dominant forest species such as Manilkara bidentata and Brosimum alicastrum. Likewise, the C deficit in the soils of the study area is very alarming because it is very close to saturation levels, especially in deforested forests.
dc.description.sponsorshipThis research received no external funding and was fully supported through self-financing by the authors. The authors thank the members of the Association Bosques del Futuro Ojos de Agua from the town of Pucacaca, province of Picota, San Martin region.
dc.identifier.citationKarla Mendoza-Lopez, Luis Ordoñez-Sánchez, Manuel Jesús Valdez-Andía, Andi Lozano-Chung, Patricia E. García-Gonzales, Jorge Saavedra-Ramírez, Wilder Macedo-Córdova, Juan R. Baselly-Villanueva, Keneth Reategui, Nery Gaona-Jimenez, and Geomar Vallejos-Torres. 2024. "Estimates of Soil Organic Carbon in the Ojos de Agua and El Quinillal Forests in the Central Huallaga of Peru". International Journal of Forestry Research, vol. 2024, Article ID 5692145, 10 pages, 2024.
dc.relation.ispartofseriesInternational Journal of Forestry Research.
dc.sourceInstituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria
dc.source.uriRepositorio Institucional - INIA
dc.subjectcarbon saturation
dc.subjectcritical carbon and inorganic carbon
dc.subjectintervened and deforested forests
dc.subjectorganic carbon
dc.subject.agrovocSoil organic matter | Carbon | Forest soils | Deforestation | Land use | Carbon sequestration | Tropical forests | Peru
dc.titleEstimates of Soil Organic Carbon in the Ojos de Agua and El Quinillal Forests in the Central Huallaga of Peru.


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