Examinando por Materia "Germplasm"
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Ítem Agromorphological characterization of cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) accessions from the germplasm bank of the National Institute of Agrarian Innovation, Peru(Elsevier, 2022-10-04) Vásquez García, Jheiner; Santos Peláez, Julio César; Malqui Ramos, Roiber; Vigo Mestanza, Carmen Natividad; Alvarado Chuqui, Wigoberto; Bobadilla Rivera, Leidy GheraldineAgromorphological characterization of cacao accessions in Peru is currently an important tool in the conservation and genetic improvement of cacao germplasm. The objective of this study was to carry out the morphological and agronomic characterization of 113 cacao accessions from the Huarangopampa germplasm bank. Tree, leaf, flower, fruit and seed descriptors were used. The data collected were processed by descriptive statistics using multivariate techniques. Five groups were formed according to similar characteristics. The accessions of group 1 are vigorous trees with an pod index of 19.27 pods/kg of seeds; the groups that presented better differential characteristics were group 2 with erect tree architecture, intermediate vigorousness, purple seed color and pod index of 20.07 pods/kg of seeds and group 3, which had the highest number of accessions with the lowest pod index of 18.77 pods/kg of seeds, besides being vigorous trees and having purple seeds. On the other hand, group 4 presented a particular characteristic of white seed color and high pod indexes with 22.11 pods/kg of seeds. Finally, group 5 accessions were characterized by intermediate tree architecture and vigor with an pod index of 21.3 pods/kg of seeds. The morphoagronomic characterization constitutes a first advance in the identification of cacaos with potential for genetic improvement and advances in the Peruvian chocolate industry.Ítem Ampliando la frontera agrícola de la papa (Solanum tuberosum L.) para disminuir los efectos del cambio climático(Asociación Latinoamericana de la Papa, 2018-08-27) Gabriel, J.; Ruiz de Galarreta, J. I.; Cuesta, X.; Huarte, M.; Zúñiga López, Luz Noemí; Mayer de Scurrah, M.; Brenes, A.; Vilaro, F.; Ritter, E.La mayoría de los cultivares tradicionales de papa no están adaptadas a las condiciones del cultivo provocadas por el cambio climático, que hacen disminuir drásticamente los rendimientos e incluso perder completamente la cosecha en muchos lugares desfavorecidos. En países en vías de desarrollo, como en Latinoamérica, esta situación afecta a la base alimentaria de las comunidades, y al sostenimiento económico y social; los agricultores optan por migrar en búsqueda de otros medios de subsistencia.Ítem Caracterización agromorfológica y diversidad fenotípica de la colección de germoplasma de pallar (Phaseolus lunatus L.) del INIA, Perú(Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, 2024-09-11) Dadther Huaman, Hans Adams; Gambini De la Cruz, Tabita Abigail; Coaquira Mendoza, Bilijin Brany; Garay Duran, Diana Yessica; Parco Quinchori, Jhimy Andy; Quispe Castro, René; Aybar Peve, Leandro Joel; Contreras Liza, Sergio; Casa Coila, Víctor HugoEl pallar (Phaseolus lunatus), es una leguminosa de grano de gran importancia socioeconómica en el Perú, que ha sido domesticada en el pasado por las culturas prehispánicas. Objetivo: Realizar la caracterización agromorfológica de 36 accesiones de la Colección Nacional de pallar del Banco de Germoplasma del Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria (Perú). Metodología: Se compararon 16 caracteres cualitativos y 10 caracteres cuantitativos a través de análisis descriptivos, ANOVA y prueba de Scott Knott, de correlación, de componentes principales y de agrupamiento jerárquico. Resultados: Hubo correlación positiva entre la longitud del tallo principal y el número promedio de vainas maduras por planta, número promedio de semillas por planta, peso promedio de semillas por planta y peso promedio de semilla; asimismo, se halló correlación negativa entre el número de lóculos por vaina madura y largo de semilla y peso promedio de semilla. Implicaciones: La caracterización agromorfológica del pallar es necesaria para la conservación de los recursos genéticos originarios del Perú. Conclusiones: Se encontró variabilidad fenotípica entre las accesiones de pallar; es así, que se estableció la existencia de tres grupos entre las accesiones en relación a caracteres cuantitativos, resaltando los altos valores para número promedio de semillas por planta, grosor de semilla, número de lóculos por vaina madura, longitud del tallo principal y número promedio de vainas maduras por planta. La accesión promisoria fue la 14ac respecto al mayor número promedio de vainas maduras, número promedio de semillas y peso promedio de semillas por planta.Ítem Caracterización morfológica de la colección de germoplasma de caigua (Cyclanthera spp.) del Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria, Perú(Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión. Facultad de Ingeniería Agraria, Industrias Alimentarias y Ambiental, 2024-01-12) Marcelo Salvador, Mavel Nansi; Meza Quispe, Benjamín; Jara Peña, Enoc Efer; Eguiluz Moya, Marializ; Celestino Avelino, Doris; Fernández Huaytalla, ElizabethObjetivo: Caracterizar las accesiones de la colección de germoplasma de caigua (Cyclanthera spp.) en la Estación Experimental Agraria Donoso de INIA en Huaral, Perú. Metodología: Se evaluaron 15 descriptores cuantitativos y 45 descriptores cualitativos, de una muestra de tres plantas por cada accesión; luego se procedió a realizar análisis multivariado para el agrupamiento de la información colectada. Resultados: Se halló que 5 de las 15 variables cuantitativas y 27 de las 45 variables cualitativas, presentaron un alto comportamiento discriminante. Los análisis de componentes principales y de conglomerados, mostraron que las accesiones se dividían en dos grandes grupos diferenciados, en las cuales se identificaron 14 accesiones pertenecientes a la especie C. brachybotrys y 32 accesiones a C. pedata. Conclusión: La variabilidad encontrada entre y dentro de los grupos mostró el potencial de estos materiales en los programas de mejoramiento genético vegetal para los diferentes rasgos evaluados, proponiendo 12 accesiones de C. pedata como promisorias, debido a sus características morfológicas, tanto vegetativas como reproductivas.Ítem Characterization of Coffea arabica L. parent plants and physicochemical properties of associated soils, Peru(Cell Press, 2022-10-03) Alvarado Chuqui, Wigoberto; Bobadilla Rivera, Leidy Gheraldine; Valqui Valqui, Leandro; Silva Valqui, Gelver; Valqui Valqui, Lamberto; Vigo Mestanza, Carmen Natividad; Vásquez Pérez, Héctor VladimirIt is important to carry out the morphological characterization of coffee parent plants and the physicochemical properties of the associated soils in the Amazon region, Peru, in order to achieve germplasm conservation. One hundred coffee mother plants were identified and located in five provinces of the region and evaluated according to morphological descriptors such as stipula shape, young leaf color, leaf shape, leaf apex shape, young shoot color, leaf color, fruit color, fruit shape, mature leaf color, and rust incidence percentage. In the plots where the parent plants were located, soil sampling was carried out to determine the physical and chemical properties. The varieties with the greatest presence in the five provinces were Típica and caturra roja, with the greatest number of specimens reported for the province of Bagua. The predominant stipule shape was triangular (91%), lanceolate leaf shape (60%) and red fruit color (90%). Bongará reported the lowest incidence of yellow rust, as well as the Mundo Novo Rojo variety. Soil pH ranged from acidic to neutral values, low electrical conductivity, high organic matter content, low phosphorus content, high potassium levels and medium cation exchange capacity. The predominant textural class was sandy loam. The physical and chemical characterization of the soils under study show favorable ranges to encourage the best development of coffee cultivation.Ítem Colección Nacional de Achiote del Banco de Germoplasma del INIA(Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria, 2023-07-31) Cochas Escandón, MelissaLa Colección Nacional de Achiote del Banco de Germoplasma del INIA conserva accesiones que han sido colectadas en 07 regiones del Perú (Cusco, Huánuco, Junín, Loreto, Pasco, San Martín y Ucayali). También se cuenta con accesiones internacionales provenientes de Colombia, Costa Rica y Guatemala. La presente hoja divulgativa se ha desarrollado en el marco del Proyecto N°2480490: Mejoramiento de los servicios de investigación en la caracterización de los recursos genéticos de la Agrobiodiversidad en 17 departamentos del Perú.Ítem Comparative analysis of key fiber characteristics in white pima cotton (Gossypium barbadense L.): Native accessions from the Peruvian Amazon(John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2024-05-19) Morales Araníbar, Luis; Nieves Rivera, Marite Yulisa; Soto Gonzales, Hebert Hernán; Morales Araníbar, Carlos Genaro; Linares Gutiérrez, Nataniel; Gamarra Gomez, Francisco; Zuffo, Alan Mario; González Aguilera, Jorge; Steiner, FabioThe fiber quality of cotton (Gossypium barbadense L.) native to the Peruvian Amazon region is one of the most versatile and essential natural fibers in the Peruvian textile industry. There is little information about the fiber quality traits of cotton genotypes native to the Peruvian Amazon region. This study investigated the fiber quality traits of Peruvian Pima cotton accessions native to the Amazon region of the La Convención Province, Cusco, Peru, to determine the lines with the greatest potential for improving fiber quality in cotton genetic breeding programs. A total of 14 cotton accessions with white fiber color, being 12 accessions of G. barbadense L. (Pima cotton) and two accessions of Gossypium sp. (unknown cotton), were analyzed. The fiber properties determined using the high volume instrument method included seven characteristics. All fiber properties were classified into five quality classes. The data on fiber quality properties were subjected to distribution, correlation, and canonical variable analysis. The results of fiber quality properties showed that the two accessions of Gossypium sp. (unknown cotton) can be promising options to be used as high-quality fiber progenies in crop genetic breeding programs or can be cultivated by regional farmers for the purpose of producing cotton with high fiber quality. Future investigations could utilize other methods of fiber quality analysis and compare the fiber quality of these cotton accessions native to the Peruvian Amazon region with other cotton species grown worldwide to improve the understanding of Pima cotton fiber quality and its applicability in different contexts of the textile industries.Ítem Diversity of Cucurbita moschata Duchesne (loche and cushé) and Cucurbita ficifolia Bouché (chiclayo) in Southern Amazonas, Perú(USDA ARS U.S. Vegetable Laboratory, 2023-07-17) Gill, Elizabeth R.A.; Ogden, Andrew B.; Oliva Cruz, Segundo Manuel; Guerrero Abad, Juan CarlosThe National Institute for Agrarian Innovation (INIA) in Perú, among countless projects, maintains the Peruvian National Cucurbita spp. germplasm bank representing the remarkable Cucurbita spp. diversity in Perú. Prior to this project, the INIA Cucurbita collection covered much of the southern Perú Cucurbita spp. diversity but was lacking Cucurbita spp. samples from northern Perú. Therefore, the Fulbright Program funded this project to investigate and inventory the disappearing diversity of Cucurbita moschata and Cucurbita ficifolia in the Department of Amazonas, Perú. The collection focused on three landraces that belong to two different species (Table 1). The two C. moschata landraces are known in the Amazonas region as loche and cushé, whilst the C. ficifolia landrace is commonly known as chiclayo. Loche has a higher economic value and culinary influence, whilst cushé has a greater phenotypic diversity but is farmed on a smaller scale. All three, loche, cushé and chiclayo, show different physical, culinary, cultural, and geographic adaptations. The objectives of this project included:(a) collecting C. moschata and C. ficifolia samples from different districts in the Department of Amazonas, Perú for seed saving,(b) taking morphological data and photos of each collected sample for analysis, and (c) collecting cultural, historical, and culinary information.Ítem Extended studies of interspecific relationships in Daucus (Apiaceae) using DNA sequences from ten nuclear orthologues(Oxford University, 2019-09-24) Martínez Flores, Fernando; Crespo, Manuel B.; Geoffriau, Emmanuel; Allender, Charlotte; Ruess, Holly; Arbizu Berrocal, Carlos Irvin; Simon, Philipp W.; Spooner, David M.Daucus has traditionally been estimated to comprise 21–25 species, but a recent study expanded the genus to c. 40 species. The present study uses ten nuclear orthologues to examine 125 accessions, including 40 collections of 11 species (D. annuus, D. arcanus, D. decipiens, D. durieua, D. edulis, D. gracilis, D. minusculus, D. montanus, D. pumilus, D. setifolius and D. tenuissimus) newly examined with nuclear orthologues. As in previous nuclear orthologue studies, Daucus resolves into two well-defined clades, and groups different accessions of species together. Maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony analyses provide concordant results, but SVD quartets reveals many areas of disagreement of species within these two major clades. With maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony analyses Daucus montanus (hexaploid) is resolved as an allopolyploid between D. pusillus (diploid) and D. glochidiatus (tetraploid), whereas with SVD quartets it is resolved as an allopolyploid between D. glochidiatus and an unknown Daucus sp. We propose the new combination Daucus junceus (Durieua juncea) for a neglected species endemic to the south-western Iberian Peninsula often referred to as D. setifolius, and we place D. arcanus in synonymy with D. pusillus. Three lectotypes are also designated.Ítem Genetic Diversity and Population Structure Assessed by SSR in a Peruvian Germplasm Collection of Loche Squash (Cucurbita moschata, Cucurbitaceae)(MDPI, 2022-03-14) Arbizu Berrocal, Carlos Irvin; Blas Sevillano, Raúl Humberto; Ugás, RobertoLoche is an ancient landrace of squash from Northern Peru, notable for its vegetative re-production and lack of seeds in fruits. To date, very little is known about its genetics. Here, we used 21 simple sequence repeats to assess the genetic diversity and population structure of a collection of 100 samples of loche from three localities in Peru, and 10 samples of related species, C. pepo and C. maxima (110 accessions in total). A total 85 bands were manually scored, obtaining an average of 4.05 alleles per locus. UPGMA clustering method and principal coordinate analysis showed a clear identification between the three species of Cucurbita. Population structure analysis clustered the 110 accessions into five populations: (i) three of loche, (ii) one of C. pepo, and (iii) one of C. maxima. Genetic diversity estimation was conducted considering only the three groups (populations) of loche identified, which was 0.024 as an average. AMOVA revealed the greatest variation between populations (79.66%) and indicated that variability within populations is 20.33%. Vegetative prop-agation by means of stem cuttings and cultivation in a very restricted geographical area would ex-plain the rather low diversity of loche. This in turn would suggest that the apparent variation ob-served in fruit shape may be explained by somatic mutation and/or environmental factors.Ítem Genetic structure and diversity of a peruvian collection of a high-quality wood tree species, Ulcumano (Retrophyllum rospigliosii, Podocarpaceae(Universidad de Concepción, 2022-12-27) Saldaña Serrano, Carla Lizet; Cancán Loli, Johan Deyvid; Salazar Hinostroza, Evelin Judith; Chumbimune Vivanco, Sheyla Yanett; Jhoncon Kooyip, Jorge Hugo; Arbizu Berrocal, Carlos IrvinUlcumano, which is native to South America, is an important conifer in Peru. Molecular studies are scarce, limiting modern breeding and appropriate conservation activities. Currently, molecular markers are widely employed to explore genetic structure and diversity parameters of plant species in a fast and precise manner. The objective of this study was to analyze the genetic diversity and population structure of ulcumano in Peru by using DNA-based molecular markers. Nine Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used, while 95 individuals of ulcumano were sampled from three departments of Peru. A total of 265 DNA fragments were manually scored, but 247 of them were kept after removing the non-polymorphic markers. Genetic distances were calculated using R software based on Provesti´s coefficient. A dendrogram was obtained using the UPGMA clustering algorithm, showing no clear clustering. The principal coordinate analysis agreed with two population structure analyses, demonstrating that ulcumano is contained within two clusters, (i) Junín + Pasco, and (ii) Cajamarca, while very few individuals are intermixed. Genetic diversity parameters were estimated considering the two groups (populations) identified by STRUCTURE software. Nei’s genetic diversity estimate varied between 0.22 and 0.28, while Shannon index ranged from 3.43 to 4.16. Population divergence (Fst) between the two clusters revealed low genetic differentiation (0.064). AMOVA analysis revealed that 87.31 and 12.69% of the total genetic variation were found within populations and between individuals, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first molecular study in ulcumano in Peru, and provides valuable information for the genetic improvement and sustainable management of this conifer in the country.Ítem Integrated Molecular and Morphological Studies of the Daucus guttatus Complex (Apiaceae)(BioOne, 2016-06-28) Arbizu Berrocal, Carlos Irvin; Simon, Philipp W.; Martínez Flores, Fernando; Ruess, Holly; Crespo, Manuel B.; Spooner, David M.In a previous study using 94 nuclear orthologs, we reported the species status of the Daucus guttatus complex to be unresolved, partitioned into three clades. In the present study, a subset of ten of these 94 orthologs was used to infer the phylogeny of the D. guttatus complex and related species. A near parallel set of accessions, planted in a common garden, was used for morphological analyses. The molecular trees are highly resolved for most of the clades, grouping accessions of the D. guttatus complex into four clades. Bayesian concordance analysis and a coalescent approach gave slightly different topologies. Morphological data likewise support four taxa in the complex. Moreover, herbarium research from a companion study informs nomenclature for taxa of the complex. We identify these four clades as D. bicolor, D. conchitae, D. guttatus, and D. setulosus; internested in or among these segregates are the phenetically distinctive species D. glochidiatus, D. involucratus, D. littoralis, and D. pusillus. Our research redefines species variation in the D. guttatus complex, clarifies species names, interspecific relationships, confirms a useful subset of nuclear orthologs for studies of dominant topologies of Daucus, and discovers morphological characters allowing proper identification of the four species of the D. guttatus complex and related species.Ítem Inter-primer binding site (iPBS) retrotransposon markers provide insights into the genetic diversity and population structure of carrots (Daucus, Apiaceae)(TUBITAK, 2022-04-25) Yildiz, Mehtap; Arbizu Berrocal, Carlos IrvinStudies of genetic diversity and population structure are essential as an initial step in conservation and breeding programs for modern crops. Carrot (Daucus spp.) is among the ten most important vegetables worldwide, however, its genetic structure and phylogenetic relationships are not totally deciphered. Here, we explored the utility of 21 inter-primer binding site (iPBS) retrotransposon markers to determine the genetic diversity and population structure of 38 accessions of Daucus and one accession of a related genus. The manual scoring revealed 309 bands based on their presence/absence. The dendrogram based on the UPGMA clustering algorithm and a principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) indicated the presence of four clusters. The Daucus species with 2n = 18 chromosome (subclade A´) separated from the other two species D. pusillus and D. muricatus, which were positioned into two individual clusters. The other clade includes the Daucus from the B group. It was also noticed that few accessions were intermixed amongst clusters. Different genetic diversity parameters were estimated based on the four clusters (populations) defined by STRUCTURE software, demonstrating that clusters 3 and 4 possessed the lowest and highest diversity values, respectively. AMOVA showed variation between and within clusters of 41.85% and 58.15%, respectively. The highest population divergence (Fst) was observed between clusters 2 and 3 (0.579), on the other hand, clusters 1 and 4 depicted the lowest Fst with 0.160. Our research highlighted that iPBS markers were successful and effective to study Daucus genetic diversity. These results will contribute to the genetic improvement of carrots and sustainable management of its diversity.Ítem Morphometrics of Daucus (Apiaceae): A counterpart to a phylogenomic study(John Wiley & Sons, 2014-11-01) Arbizu Berrocal, Carlos Irvin; Reitsma, Kathleen R.; Simon, Philipp W.; Spooner, David M.•Premise of study: Molecular phylogenetics of genome‐scale data sets (phylogenomics) often produces phylogenetic trees with unprecedented resolution. A companion phylogenomics analysis of Daucus using 94 conserved nuclear orthologs supported many of the traditional species but showed unexpected results that require morphological analyses to help interpret them in a practical taxonomic context. •Methods: We evaluated character state distributions, stepwise discriminant analyses, canonical variate analyses, and hierarchical cluster analyses from 40 morphological characters from 81 accessions of 14 taxa of Daucus and eight species in related genera in an experimental plot. •Key results: Most characters showed tremendous variation with character state overlap across many taxa. Multivariate analyses separated the outgroup taxa easily from the Daucus ingroup. Concordant with molecular analyses, most species form phenetic groups, except the same taxa that are problematical in the molecular results: (1) the subspecies of D. carota, (2) D. sahariensis and D. syrticus, and (3) D. broteri and D. guttatus. •Conclusions: Phenetic analyses, in combination with molecular data, support many Daucus species, but mostly by overlapping ranges of size and meristic variation. The subspecies of D. carota are poorly separated morphologically, are paraphyletic, and all could be recognized at the subspecies rank under D. carota. Daucus sahariensis and D. syrticus are so similar morphologically that they could be placed in synonymy. Combined molecular and morphological data support three species in accessions previously identified as D. broteri and D. guttatus. Molecular and morphological results support the new combination Daucus carota subsp. capillifolius.Ítem Phylogenetic Prediction of Alternaria Leaf Blight Resistance in Wild and Cultivated Species of Carrots(John Wiley & Sons, 2017-09-14) Arbizu Berrocal, Carlos Irvin; Tas, Pamela M.; Simon, Philipp W.; Spooner, David M.Plant scientists make inferences and predictions from phylogenetic trees to solve scientific problems. Crop losses due to disease damage is an important problem that many plant breeders would like to solve, so the ability to predict traits like disease resistance from phylogenetic trees derived from diverse germplasm would be a significant approach to facilitate cultivar improvement. Alternaria leaf blight (ALB) is among the most devastating diseases of carrots (Daucus spp., Apiaceae) worldwide. Thus, new approaches to identify resistant germplasm to this disease are needed. In a study of 106 accessions of wild and cultivated Daucus and related genera, we determined plant height is the best explanatory variable to predict ALB resistance using a phylogenetic linear regression model. Using the estimated area under the disease progress curve, the most resistant species to ALB were the non-carrot relative Ammi visnaga (L.) Lam. and the wild carrot relative D. crinitus Desf. A permutation tail probability test was conducted considering phylogenetic signal to evaluate the strength of association between the Daucus phylogeny and ALB resistance. We found that species belonging to clade A, which includes carrots and other Daucus possessing 2n = 18, 20, or 22 chromosomes, are slightly more resistant to ALB than members of other clades of the Daucus phylogeny.Ítem Phylogenomics of the Carrot Genus (Daucus, Apiaceae)(John Wiley & Sons, 2014-10-01) Arbizu Berrocal, Carlos Irvin; Ruess, Holly; Senalik, Douglas; Simon, Philipp W.; Spooner, David M.•Premise of the study: We explored the utility of multiple nuclear orthologs for the taxonomic resolution of wild and cultivated carrot, Daucus species. •Methods: We studied the phylogeny of 92 accessions of 13 species and two subspecies of Daucus and 15 accessions of related genera (107 accessions total) with DNA sequences of 94 nuclear orthologs. Reiterative analyses examined data of both alleles using ambiguity codes or a single allele with the highest coverage, trimmed vs. untrimmed homopolymers; pure exonic vs. pure intronic data; the use of all 94 markers vs. a reduced subset of markers; and analysis of a concatenated data set vs. a coalescent (species tree) approach. •Key results: Our maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood trees were highly resolved, with 100% bootstrap support for most of the external and many of the internal clades. They resolved multiple accessions of many different species as monophyletic with strong support, but failed to support other species. The single allele analysis gave slightly better topological resolution; trimming homopolymers failed to increase taxonomic resolution; the exonic data had a smaller proportion of parsimony‐informative characters. Similar results demonstrating the same dominant topology can be obtained with many fewer markers. A Bayesian concordance analysis provided an overall similar phylogeny, but the coalescent analysis provided drastic changes in topology to all the above. •Conclusions: Our research highlights some difficult species groups in Daucus and misidentifications in germplasm collections. It highlights a useful subset of markers and approaches for future studies of dominant topologies in Daucus.