Examinando por Materia "Coffee"
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Ítem Agro-morphological characterization and diversity analysis of Coffea arabica germplasm collection from INIA, Peru(John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2023-06-06) Paredes Espinosa, Richard; Gutiérrez Reynoso, Dina Lida; Atoche Garay, Diego Fernando; Mansilla Córdova, Pedro Javier ; Abad Romaní, Yudi Gertrudis; Girón Aguilar, Rita Carolina; Flores Torres, Itala; Montañez Artica, Ana Gabriela; Arbizu Berrocal, Carlos Irvin; Amasifuen Guerra, Carlos Alberto; Maicelo Quintana, Jorge Luis; Poemape Tuesta, Carlos Augusto; Guerrero Abad, Juan CarlosCoffee (Coffea arabica L.) plays a major role in the economy of Peru and the world. The present study aims to elucidate the agro-morphological variability of coffee genotypes maintained in the INIA´s germplasm collection. Therefore, 20 vegetative, reproductive, and phytosanitary traits of 162 coffee accessions of INIA’s germplasm collection were evaluated and analyzed. Correlation results indicate that a simultaneous selection of characters, such as number of branches per plant, number of nodes per branch, leaf area and weight of a hundred fruits, can contribute to increase coffee yields. Additionally, coffee yield was negatively correlated with the incidence and severity of coffee leaf rust, and interestingly the occurrence of small and compact coffee plants with high resistance to the disease was also found. The analysis of Tocher and Mahalanobis D2 determined the formation of 10 groups of divergent coffee accessions; where clusters 1 (accession codes 20, 29, 38, 54, 67, 71, 117, 24, 26 and 27), 5 (accession codes 46 and 53), 9 (accession code 159), and 10 (accession code 203) group promising accessions that can be used in breeding programs. Principal component analysis (PCA) showed that at least five of its principal components managed to explain 70.01% of the total variation in the collection. Finally, the high coefficients obtained for the phenotypic, genotypic and heritability variation confirm the existence of additive genes in the evaluated population, that would ensure the success of coffee breeding programs based on the selection of traits of agronomic importance.Ítem Agro-morphological characterization and diversity analysis of Coffea arabica germplasm collection from INIA, Peru(John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2023-04-04) Paredes Espinosa, Richard; Gutiérrez Reynoso, Dina Lida; Atoche Garay, Diego Fernando; Abad Romaní, Yudi Gertrudis; Girón Aguilar, Rita Carolina; Flores Torres, Itala; Montañez Artica, Ana Gabriela; Arbizu Berrocal, Carlos Irvin; Amasifuen Guerra, Carlos Alberto; Poemape Tuesta, Carlos Augusto; Guerrero Abad, Juan CarlosCoffee (Coffea arabica L.) plays a major role in the economy of Peru and the world. The present study aims to elucidate the agro-morphological variability of coffee genotypes maintained in the INIA´s germplasm collection. Therefore, 20 vegetative, reproductive, and phytosanitary traits of 162 coffee accessions of INIA’s germplasm collection were evaluated and analyzed. Correlation results indicate that a simultaneous selection of characters, such as number of branches per plant, number of nodes per branch, leaf area and weight of a hundred fruits, can contribute to increase coffee yields. Additionally, coffee yield was negatively correlated with the incidence and severity of coffee leaf rust, and interestingly the occurrence of small and compact coffee plants with high resistance to the disease was also found. The analysis of Tocher and Mahalanobis D2 determined the formation of 10 groups of divergent coffee accessions; where clusters 1 (accession codes 20, 29, 38, 54, 67, 71, 117, 24, 26 and 27), 5 (accession codes 46 and 53), 9 (accession code 159), and 10 (accession code 203) group promising accessions that can be used in breeding programs. Principal component analysis (PCA) showed that at least five of its principal components managed to explain 70.01% of the total variation in the collection. Finally, the high coefficients obtained for the phenotypic, genotypic and heritability variation confirm the existence of additive genes in the evaluated population, that would ensure the success of coffee breeding programs based on the selection of traits of agronomic importance.Ítem Capillary electrophoresis as a tool for genotyping SH3 mediated coffee leaf rust resistance(Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, 2021-03-10) Gutiérrez Calle, Savina Alejandra; Sánchez Díaz, Rosa A.; Delgado Silva, Yolanda Bedsabé; Montenegro, Juan D.; Gutiérrez Reynoso, Dina Lida; Maicelo Quintana, Jorge Luis; Guerrero Abad, Juan CarlosCoffee is an important agricultural commodity in the world. However, it is susceptible to Hemileia vastatrix (Hv), an obligatory biotrophic fungus that causes coffee leaf rust (CLR). Natural resistance to rust has been identified in the wild species Coffea canephora and Coffea liberica. These species have been used in breeding programs where interspecific resistant hybrids have been generated. The SH3 gene, derived from C. liberica, has been shown to confer extreme and long-lasting resistance to Hv. A total of 167 accessions of the INIA’s Coffee Germplasm Collection of Peru (INIA-CGC) were screened with 4 markers linked to the SH3 gene. As positive controls, EA67 (C. liberica) and the hybrid S.288 (C. arabica x C. liberica) were used. Separation of PCR products was done by capillary electrophoresis, which allow to discriminate the alleles of each marker. For three markers, specific alleles for either C. arabica or C. liberica species were found. In all cases, S.288 exhibited specific alleles for both species; whereas the INIA-CGC accessions had exclusively C. arabica alleles and EA67 had C. liberica alleles. The BA-48-21O-f marker did not produce PCR fragments for any of the positive controls, suggesting that this marker is not as predictive as the other three to determine the presence of SH3. This work reports the existence of multiple alleles for the Sat244 marker; however, the collection does not have the SH3 mediated-resistance gene. Finally, the utility of capillary electrophoresis as a tool to identify alleles linked to SH3 was demonstrated.Ítem Caracterización morfológica de cinco variedades de café (Coffea arabica L.) y su resistencia a la roya (Hemileia vastatrix), en el Valle del Alto Huallaga, Tingo María(Dirección de Desarrollo Tecnológico Agrario. Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria, 2020-11-13) Cosme de la Cruz, Roberto Carlos; Buendía Molina, Marilyn; Adama Rojas, Enrique Raúl; Pocomucha Poma, VicenteEl objetivo fue caracterizar morfológicamente 13 caracteres cualitativos de cinco variedades de café de la especie Coffea arábica L. (Colombia, Catimor, Limani, Catuai y Caturra) y evaluar su grado de resistencia a la roya amarilla. La investigación se realizó, en el Centro Piloto de Innovación Tecnológica de café de la EEA Santa Ana, Tingo María. Se utilizó la lista de descriptores de café del International Resources Institute y se determinó los caracteres responsables de la mayor variabilidad en las variedades mediante el análisis multivariado de agrupamiento mediante software NTSYS 2.0. También, se evaluó la incidencia de la roya (Hemileia vastatrix) en las cinco variedades. De las 13 características cualitativas evaluadas en cinco variedades, nueve características fueron similares (hábito de ramificación: con muchas ramas primarias y secundarias, ángulo de inserción: semi erecto, forma de estípula: oval, forma de la hoja: lanceolada, forma de ápice: apiculada, color del peciolo: verde, forma de fruto: oblonga, color de semilla: amarillo y forma de semilla: obovada) y en las cuatro restantes se observó diferencias (forma de planta, color de hoja madura, color de brotes y color de fruto). También, la variedad caturra se mostró como la más susceptible a la roya, mientras las variedades Colombia, Catimor y Limani se mostraron resistentes a la roya.Ítem Carbon stocks in coffee farms and secondary forest systems in the Peruvian Amazon rainforest(Research square, 2023-09-15) Vallejos Torres, Geomar; Gaona Jimenez, Nery; Ordoñez, Luis; Vallejos Torres, Andi; Mendoza Caballero, Wilfredo; Arévalo López, Luis Alberto; Saavedra Ramírez, Jorge; Macedo, Wilder; Reategui, Keneth; Baselly Villanueva, Juan Rodrigo; Marín, CésarSecondary forests and coffee cultivation systems with shade trees might have great potential for carbon sequestration as a means of climate change adaptation and mitigation. This study aimed to measure carbon stocks in coffee plantations under different managements and secondary forest systems in the Peruvian Amazon rainforest (San Martín Region). The carbon stock in secondary forest trees was estimated using allometric equations, while carbon stocks in soil, herbaceous biomass, and leaf litter were determined through sampling and laboratory analysis. The biomass carbon stock in secondary forests was 132.2 t/ha, while in coffee plantations with Inga sp. shade trees it was 118.2 t/ha. Carbon stocks were 76.5 t/ha in coffee with polyculture farming, and the lowest amount of carbon was found in coffee without shade trees (31.1 t/ha). The carbon sequestered by coffee plants in all agroforestry systems examined had an average of 2.65 t/ha, corresponding to 4.63 % of the total carbon sequestered, being the highest stored in the coffee system with Inga sp. shade trees. A higher content of glomalin-related soil proteins (GRSP) was found in coffee without shade trees, with 18.5 mg/g. This is evidence that Inga sp. is the most compatible model of shade system for coffee farms. We recommend the conservation of secondary forests due to the greater biomass and carbon storage, and establishing coffee plantations with Inga sp. shade trees for its integral benefits, such as climate change mitigation.Ítem Catálogo de café del banco de germoplasma del INIA(Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria (INIA), 2024-03-31) Carrera Rojo, Ronald Pio; Maraví Loyola, Jazmín Yurema; Abad Romaní, Yudi Gertrudis; Flores Torres, Itala; Oscco Medina, ItnanEl INIA pone este documento a disposición de investigadores, profesionales, productores y público en general interesados en la diversidad del café, su conservación, valoración y el mejoramiento genético orientado a optimizar los beneficios que pueden obtenerse de esta especie tan apreciada en el mundo.Ítem Characterization of the horizontal resistance of coffee (Coffea arabica) to yellow rust (Hemileia vastatrix) in the field and laboratory(The American Phytopathological Society, 2022-03-25) Paredes Espinosa, Richard; Mansilla Córdova, P. J.; Abad Romaní, Yudi Gertrudis; Gutiérrez Reynoso, Dina Lida; Guerrero Abad, Juan Carlos; Egoávil, G.Between 2011–2013, yellow rust unleashed one of the most important phytosanitary crises in the coffee sector in Peru, causing a negative impact on the rural family economy. One of the factors associated with the intensification of the disease was the predominance of susceptible cultivars in agricultural systems. Faced with the need to rehabilitate the coffee park with new cultivars, the National Institute for Agrarian Innovation (INIA) has managed the installation of basic coffee germplasm for the development of the yellow rust resistance program, which is made up of 169 introductions from the departments of Pasco, Junín, Huánuco, Ucayali, Cajamarca, and Amazonas and obtained from 2015. The objective of the study was to evaluate the incidence and severity of epidemic conditions in the field and characterize the components of horizontal resistance, using the method of inoculations of H. vastatrix in separated coffee leaves in the laboratory. The epidemiological results collected from the field indicate that 12.43 and 20.71% of the genotypes showed complete and incomplete resistance, respectively; 66.86% showed high susceptibility to the pathogen. Three of the outstanding genotypes gave a typical horizontal resistance reaction when artificially inoculated with uredinospores on separated coffee leaves kept in a humid chamber.Ítem In vitro biological activity of Beauveria bassiana, Beauveria peruviensis, and Metarhizium sp. against Hypothenemus hampei (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)(Hindawi, 2023-09-30) Chuquibala Checan, Beimer; Torres de la Cruz, Magdiel; Leiva, Santos; Hernandez Diaz, Elgar; Rubio, Karol; Goñas Goñas, Malluri; Arce Inga, Marielita; Oliva Cruz, ManuelCoffee (Coffea arabica) is the main commodity in Peru and is the economic support for thousands of small farmers. However, coffee production is affected by the coffee berry borer (Hypothenemus hampei). Currently, H. hampei is the most important pest in whole coffee-growing regions in Peru. This study aimed to evaluate in vitro biological activity of Beauveria bassiana, Beauveria peruviensis, and Metarhizium sp. against Hypothenemus hampei in two trials at different times. Conidia production, Conidia viability, and pathogenicity against H. hampei were evaluated at three concentrations (1 × 105, 1 × 107, and 1 × 109 conidia/mL−1). In addition, lethal times (LT50 and LT90) and lethal concentrations (LC50 and LC90) were calculated. There were significant differences in conidia production ( < 0.001) and conidia viability ( < 0.041). The highest conidia production and conidia viability were reached by B. bassiana and B. peruviensis, respectively. Likewise, there were differences in the pathogenicity of the strains in the two tests carried out (test 1: < 0.0009 and test 2: < 0.0001). The highest mortality occurred in the treatments of B. bassiana 1 × 109 conidia/mL−1, B. bassiana 1 × 107 conidia/mL−1, and B. peruviensis 1 × 109 conidia/mL−1. The treatments with lower LT50 and LT90 were B. bassiana 1 × 109 conidia/mL−1 and B. peruviensis 1 × 109 conidia/mL−1, and the strains with the lowest LC50 and LC90 were B. peruviensis and B. bassiana. The in vitro characteristics shown by B. bassiana and B. peruviensis conditions suggest they should be evaluated in the field to determine the capability of these strains to reduce populations of H. hampei.Ítem Massive production of Hemileia vastatrix uredospores for infection of Coffea arabica seedlings(Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, 2023-07-10) Hernández Amasifuen, Angel David; Rivadeneyra Chisquipama, Lenin; Padilla Dominguez, Amner; Paredes Espinosa, Richard; Guerrero Abad, Juan Carlos; Torres Flores, Elías; Peláez Rivera, Jorge Luis; Carvajal Vallejos, Fernando Marcelo; Gutiérrez Reynoso, Dina Lida; Corazon Guivin, Mike AndersonCoffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix) is the most important disease in coffee crops around the world. Currently, there is limited knowledge about mass production methodologies and ex-situ infection of H. vastatrix that lead to the development of different health characterization studies of Coffea or disease phenotyping. In this context, the aim of this research was to develop a simple protocol for the mass production of coffee rust uredospores under controlled conditions and to determine their infection in coffee seedlings. Uredospores of H. vastatrix were collected from infected plants in the “Chontal” coffee-growing area in San Martín, Peru. The viability of uredospore germination was evaluated, and a uredospores suspension (2 x 105 uredospores/mL) was prepared to inoculate coffee seedlings. Incidence and sporulation rates were evaluated after 43 days of inoculation. During the multiplication process of H. vastatrix uredospores, using controlled conditions (23±1 °C, ≈ 80% relative humidity and photoperiod of 16 hours of light) under an innovative system, the first symptoms of chlorosis were observed on coffee leaves 20 days after inoculation. Our findings show a 100% incidence of inoculated coffee plants with an average of 54 mg of H. vastatrix uredospores per plant and a 1.38 x 10-1 mg/cm2 sporulation rate. Finally, here we report a protocol that allows mass multiplication of H. vastatrix uredospores under controlled conditions, that would be useful in any time for coffee leaf rust bioassays.Ítem Niveles de glomalina y carbono en función de los agregados del suelo en la Amazonía peruana(Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado (UCLA), 2024-09-01) Vallejos Torres, Geomar; Mendoza López, Karla; Ordoñez Sánchez, Luis; Lozano Sulca, Yimi; Gaona Jimenez, Nery; Baselly Villanueva, Juan RodrigoLa selva amazónica de Perú ha experimentado grandes cambios en el uso de suelos, mediante la deforestación del ecosistema forestal para la instalación de silvopasturas y cultivos agrícolas como café y cacao, lo que ha contribuido al aumento de CO2 en la atmósfera. Este estudio evaluó los niveles de glomalina y carbono en función de los agregados del suelo en estos ambientes. Se estudiaron tres tipos de ecosistemas: i) ecosistema de bosque, ii) agroecosistema de silvopastura y iii) agroecosistema de café. En cada uno se establecieron nueve parcelas de 100 m2 y se extrajeron muestras de suelos a una profundidad de 0-20 cm. Se evaluó el carbono orgánico del suelo (COS) así como la glomalina extraíble (GE) y total (GT), en cuatro diferentes rangos del tamaño de los agregados (>2 mm, 2-1 mm, 1-0,25 mm y 0,25 mm). El efecto del tipo de ecosistema y agregados sobre el COS y glomalina se analizó mediante un ANOVA, así como con una prueba de regresión. Los ecosistemas estudiados influyeron significativamente en la disponibilidad de COS y glomalina; se obtuvo mayor COS en el agroecosistema de café, seguido del ecosistema de bosque con 101,08 y 80,17 t·ha-1. El bosque presentó mayor concentración de GE y GT respecto al cafetal y las silvopasturas. El tamaño de los agregados influyó significativamente en la disponibilidad de COS, GE y GT; cuando fueron de menores dimensiones, los contenidos de COS y glomalina disminuyeron. El tipo del sistema y los agregados del suelo influyeron significativamente en la disponibilidad de COS y glomalina en los tres ambientes estudiados.