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Ítem Agronomic behavior of cowpea varieties in non-alluvial soils of the Peruvian Amazon(Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia, 2022-05-06) Angulo Villacorta, Carlos Darwin; Mathios Flores, Marco Antonio; Sangama Arirama, Misael Nemecio; Racchumi García, AlfredoGrain legumes in tropical areas are of great importance as a food source, especially in rural communities. Little is known about their adaptability and behavior in non-alluvial soils of the Peruvian Amazon. Our objective was to assess the agronomic behavior of cowpea varieties in non-alluvial soils. The experiment was performed in completely randomized design with four treatments and four repetitions. Each experimental unit consisted of five rows of 6m length by 0.5m between plants and 1m between rows. The variables evaluated were: plant height (cm), number of pods, pod length (cm), number of graind per pod, grain length (mm), grain width (mm), and weight of 100 seeds (g). An analysis of variance and Tukey’ test at 5% probability were used to determine significant differences between treatments. Results showed significant differences between varieties according to the evaluated variables. The red cowpea presented significant differrences for the agronomic characteristics in plant height (62.83cm), grain length (8.68mm), and weight of 100 seeds (16.87g) in relation to the other varieties. The Chiclayo Olho Preto variety stood out only in grain width (5.46mm), and the Chiclayo Vermelho in pod length (19.58cm). The red cowpea has the potential to be cultivated preliminarily in larger-scale areas in the Yurimaguas districtÍtem Ampliando la frontera agrícola de la papa (Solanum tuberosum L.) para disminuir los efectos del cambio climático(Asociación Latinoamericana de la Papa, 2018-08-27) Gabriel, J.; Ruiz de Galarreta, J. I.; Cuesta, X.; Huarte, M.; Zúñiga López, Luz Noemí; Mayer de Scurrah, M.; Brenes, A.; Vilaro, F.; Ritter, E.La mayoría de los cultivares tradicionales de papa no están adaptadas a las condiciones del cultivo provocadas por el cambio climático, que hacen disminuir drásticamente los rendimientos e incluso perder completamente la cosecha en muchos lugares desfavorecidos. En países en vías de desarrollo, como en Latinoamérica, esta situación afecta a la base alimentaria de las comunidades, y al sostenimiento económico y social; los agricultores optan por migrar en búsqueda de otros medios de subsistencia.Ítem An evaluation of dryland ulluco cultivation yields in the face of climate change scenarios in the Central Andes of Peru by using the Aquacrop model(MDPI, 2024-06-26) Flores Marquez, Ricardo; Vera Vilchez, Jesús Emilio; Verástegui Martínez, Patricia; Lastra, Sphyros; Solórzano Acosta, RichardUllucus tuberosus is an Andean region crop adapted to high-altitude environments and dryland cultivation. It is an essential resource that guarantees food security due to its carbohydrate, protein, and low-fat content. However, current change patterns in precipitation and temperatures warn of complex scenarios where climate change will affect this crop. Therefore, predicting these effects through simulation is a valuable tool for evaluating this crop’s sustainability. This study aims to evaluate ulluco’s crop yield under dryland conditions at 3914 m.a.s.l. considering climate change scenarios from 2024 to 2100 by using the AquaCrop model. Simulations were carried out using current meteorological data, crop agronomic information, and simulations for SSP1-2.6, SSP3-7.0, and SSP5-8.5 of CMIP 6. The results indicate that minimum temperature increases and seasonal precipitation exacerbation will significantly influence yields. Increases in rainfall and environmental CO2 concentrations show an opportunity window for yield increment in the early stages. However, a negative trend is observed for 2050–2100, mainly due to crop temperature stress. These findings highlight the importance of developing more resistant ulluco varieties to heat stress conditions, adapting water management practices, continuing modeling climate change effects on crops, and investing in research on smallholder agriculture to reach Sustainable Development Goals 1, 2, and 13Ítem An international breeding project using a wild potato relative Solanum commersonii resulted in two new frost-tolerant native potato cultivars for the Andes and the Altiplano(Frontiers Media S.A., 2024-03-05) Arcos Pineda, Jesus Heraclides; Del Rio, Alfonso H.; Bamberg, John B.; Vega Semorile, Sandra E.; Palta, Jiwan P.; Salas, Alberto; Gomez, Rene; Roca, William; Ellis, DavidThis breeding project, initiated at the United States Potato Genebank (USPG) in collaboration with Peruvian partners Instituto Nacional de Innovacion Agraria (INIA), International Potato Center, Peru (CIP), and local farmers, sought to enhance cold hardiness and frost tolerance in native potato cultivars in Peru. The Andes and Altiplano are often affected by frost, which causes significant reduction in yield; creating varieties with superior resilience is a critical undertaking. The goal was to transfer outstanding non-acclimated cold tolerance and acclimation capacity found in wild potato species Solanum commersonii (cmm). Breeding families segregating for cold hardiness were created using (a) a somatic hybrid cmm + haploid Solanum tuberosum (tbr) (cv. Superior, US variety from Wisconsin) as male and (b) seven cultivars native to Peru of the species S. tuberosum sbsp. andigenum (adg) as females. All plant materials were part of the USPG germplasm collection. Sexual seeds of each family were sent to Peru for evaluations under the natural conditions of the Andean highlands and Altiplano. The plants were assessed for their response to frost, and genotypes showing exceptional tolerance were selected. Plants were also evaluated for good tuber traits and yield. Initial planting involving ~2,500 seedlings in five locations resulted in selecting 58 genotypes with exceptional frost tolerance, good recovery capacity after frost, and good tuber traits. Over the years, evaluations continued and were expanded to replicated field trials in the harsher conditions of the Altiplano (Puno). All trials confirmed consistency of frost tolerance over time and location, tuber quality, and yield. After 8 years, two advanced clones were considered for cultivar release because of their exceptional frost tolerance and superior field productivity that outyielded many of the established cultivars in the region. In November 2018, a new native cultivar named Wiñay, a Quechua word meaning “to grow” was released in Peru. In 2022, a second cultivar followed with the name Llapanchispaq (meaning “for all of us”). This project evidenced that a multinational and all-encompassing approach to deploy valuable genetic diversity can work and deliver effective results. This is even more significant when outcomes can promote food security and sustainability in very vulnerable regions of the world.Ítem Biodiversidad y cambio climático: diversidad de insectos en cuatro ecotipos de papa(Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco - UNSAAC, 2020-10-06) Yábar Landa, Erick; Velarde Durán, Edilberto; Del Castillo Espinoza, María Mercedes; Espinoza Becerra, Eliseo; Pando Callo, Edgar; Ardiles Jara, Alexander; Serrano Del Carpio, Judith Vita; Pacheco Del Castillo, Miguel Ángel; Palomino Flores, Ladislao; Velarde Peña, ArturoEl objetivo de este proyecto fue estudiar la interacción entre insectos y cuatro ecotipos de papa. El trabajo se realizó en la Estación Experimental Andenes del Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria (Anta, Cusco: 13°28’LatS, 72°13’LongW). Se evaluaron 4 ecotipos de papa: 513204, 511220, 511712 y 511318, los cuatro con tricomas glandulares. Se realizaron dos evaluaciones registrando el número de insectos en cinco plantas por ecotipo. Los resultados mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas para ecotipos, especies de insectos y la interacción ecotipos por especies de insectos. Hay una notoria asociación entre los ecotipos estudiados y algunos insectos, tanto plagas como benéficos. Tanto la existencia de numerosas variedades de papa como de los insectos asociados a ellas puede representar un factor importante para resistir los efectos del cambio climático.Ítem CHUGAYNA: Una nueva variedad de papa tolerante a las heladas adaptada al sistema de agricultura familiar en el Perú(Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, INIA CHILE, 2023-06-30) Otiniano Villanueva, Ronal; Pérez Vásquez, Juan Miguel; Gastelo Benavides, Manuel; Cabrera Hoyos, Héctor Antonio; Pando Gómez, Rosmeri Verónica; Zúñiga López, Luz NoemíUno de los factores abióticos que afecta los rendimientos del cultivo de papa en el Perú son las heladas, ocasionando pérdidas de hasta el 100 %, el cambio climático está incrementando su presencia. Una forma de enfrentarlo es usando variedades tolerantes, la variedad Chugayna es tolerante a las heladas, permitiendo obtener rendimientos económicamente aceptables, proviene de la selección del clon CIP386714.6, obtenido por el programa de mejoramiento genético del Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP), a través del cruce de los clones HFF14.3 tolerante a las heladas como progenitor femenino y el clon 575048 (CEW.69.1) con resistencia a la Rancha como progenitor masculino, realizado en 1986 en Huancayo. Se evaluó en cámara de crecimiento a - 4 °C y bajo condiciones de campo con presencia usual de heladas en Usibamba, Junín y el altiplano en Puno a más de 3500 msnm, donde demostró su tolerancia y alto rendimiento de tubérculos. Entre el 2006 y 2010 se realizaron los ensayos comparativos en un trabajo conjunto entre el CIP y el Instituto Nacional de innovación Agraria (INIA) en Puno y Huancavelica con rendimientos sobre las 30 t/ ha, los ensayos de adaptación y eficiencia se realizaron entre el 2013 al 2015 en un trabajo colaborativo entre la ONG Asociación Pataz, el CIP y el INIA, en once localidades de la provincia de Sánchez Carrión, Región La Libertad, en el norte del Perú a más de 3500 msnm donde se presentan heladas. La variedad CHUGAYNA validó su resistencia a las heladas, sus rendimientos fueron desde 36.85 hasta 54.73 t/ha superior a las variedades locales Amarilis, Huevo de indio con rendimientos desde 16.15 hasta 46.69 t/ha. Tiene piel de color crema con ojos rosados, pulpa crema, forma de tubérculos oblongo y 120 días de periodo vegetativo. Esta variedad es una muy buena alternativa para enfrentar los efectos del cambio climático que están ocasionando regímenes erráticos de las lluvias con periodos prolongados de sequias y heladas durante la época del cultivo en campo, además esta variedad tiene buena adaptación al sistema de agricultura familiar en el País y puede ser replicada en otros países de la región.Ítem Current and future distribution of Shihuahuaco (Dipteryx spp.) under climate change scenarios in the Central-Eastern Amazon of Peru(MDPI, 2023-05-10) Cárdenas Rengifo, Gloria Patricia; Bravo Morales, Nino Frank; Barboza Castillo, Elgar; Salazar Coronal, Wilian; Ocaña Reyes, Jimmy Alcides; Vásquez Macedo, Miguel; Lobato Gálvez, Roiser Honorio; Injante Silva, Pedro Hugo; Arbizu Berrocal, Carlos IrvinThe consequences of climate change influence the distribution of species, which plays a key role in ecosystems. In this work, the modeling of the current and potential future distribution was carried out under different climate change scenarios of a tree species of high economic and commercial value, Dipteryx spp. This is a hardwood species that plays an important role in carbon sequestration, providing food and nesting for wildlife species, reaching more than 40 m in height with an average diameter of 70 to 150 cm. This species is currently threatened by overexploitation. Thirty-six bioclimatic, topographic and edaphic variables with ~1 km2 spatial resolution obtained from the WorldClim, SoilGrids and SRTM databases where used. Highly correlated variables were identified with the MaxEnt software for forecasting how the species distribution will be affected until the year 2100, according to the climate scenarios SPP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, SSP3-7.0, SSP5-8.5, representing the periods 2021–2040, 2041–2060, 2061–2080 and 2081–2100, respectively. The AUC accuracy value of 0.88 to 0.89 was found for the distribution models and the highest contributing variables used were Bio 5, precipitation, Bio 2, and Bio 14. In the climate scenario SPP1-2.6 (Bio 5, precipitation and Bio 2) in 2061–2080, suitable and very suitable habitats represented 30.69% of the study area (2616 ha and 586.97 ha, respectively) and those increased by 1.75% under current climate conditions, and the suitable and unsuitable habitats represented 69.31% of the total area. The results of this research provide valuable information on the current and future distribution of the species and identify zones that can be used as the basis for the creation of conservation areas, formulation of restoration projects, reforestation and sustainable management to avoid the extinction of the species in the face of the effects of climate change.Ítem Efecto del cambio climático sobre la producción y reproducción de alpacas en condiciones de puna seca(Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, 2019-05-22) Huanca Mamani, Teodosio; Sumar Kalinosky, Julio; Naveros Flores, Mary Luz; Nina Zuñiga, Juan Armando; Ccopa Ccallata, Jhunior; Mamani Cato, Ruben HebertEl objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el impacto del cambio climático y su impacto sobre la producción y reproducción de alpacas a 4000 msnm. El estudio se realizó en seis distritos de puna seca, tres distritos de puna húmeda y en el anexo experimental Quimsachata del Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria, Puno, Perú. Para el estudio a nivel de comunidades campesinas se utilizó las planillas de contada de ganado vacuno, ovino, alpacas y llamas y para el caso del anexo experimental Quimsachata se analizó los registros de peso al nacimiento y empadre controlado de los años 2015, 2016, 2017 y 2018. Los datos fueron analizados con el programa estadístico SAS versión 9.4. Los resultados muestran que a nivel de puna seca la mayor población de animales está conformado por las alpacas el cual representa el 66,90%, seguido de los ovinos con 21,11%, llamas 10,76% y vacunos 1,23%. A nivel de puna húmeda la mayor población de animales está conformado por las alpacas con 78,42%, seguido de los ovinos 19,42%, llamas 1,82% y vacunos 0,34%. El peso al nacimiento de las alpacas fue mayor en el año 2015 cuyo promedio fue de 6,57 kg y el menor promedio se observó en el año 2016 con 5,13 kg (p < 0,01). El mayor porcentaje de preñez se observó en el año 2018 cuyo valor fue de 83,95% y el menor porcentaje se observó en el año 2016 con 71,20% (p < 0,01). Se concluye que el año de producción tiene influencia directa sobre la producción y reproducción de las alpacas.Ítem Effect of Technological alternatives in the mitigation of climate change in the aging of alpacas above 4,000 msnm Puno-Peru(Göttingen University Press, 2019-07-02) Huanca Mamani, Tedosio; Mamani Cato, Ruben Hebert; Naveros Flores, Mary Luz; González Castillo, Mario LinoThe objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of technological alternatives in the mitigation of climate change in the breeding of alpacas over 4,000 meters above sea level. The validation study was conducted in 06 farming communities of two agroecological zones of the Puno region. The variables under study were weight at birth, weight at weaning, weight of fleece, pregnancy and mortality percentage, during 2014 in which no technological alternatives were applied, while in 2015 and 2016 this set was applied of alternatives. The data were analyzed in a completely randomized design using the SAS statistical software version 9.4. The results show that the birth weights were of 6.01, 6.254 and 6.83 kg for the years 2014, 2015 and 2016 respectively (p <0.05). The weaning weights were of 29.02, 29.73 and 30.99 kg for the years 2014, 2015 and 2016 respectively (p <0.05). The fleece weights were 2.28, 2.35 and 2.75 kg for the years 2014, 2015 and 2016 respectively (p <0.05). The pregnancy percentages were of 68.33, 72.84 and 83.77 % in the years 2014, 2015 and 2016 respectively. The mortality percentages were 10.39, 5.11 and 2.44 % for the years 2014, 2015 and 2016 respectively (p<0.05). The set of technological alternatives applied during the years 2015 and 2016 had a significant effect on the birth weight, weaning weight, fleece weight, pregnancy percentage and mortality of the alpacas.Ítem Incomplete infection of secondarily infected potato plants – an environment dependent underestimated mechanism in plant virology(Frontiers Media S.A., 2017-02-03) Bertschinger, Lukas; Bühler, Lukas; Dupuis, Brice; Duffy, Brion; Gessier, Cesare; Forbes, Gregory A.; Keller, Ernst R.; Scheldegger, Urs C.; Struik, Paul C.The common assumption in potato virus epidemiology is that all daughter tubers produced by plants coming from infected mother tubers (secondary infection) will become infected via systemic translocation of the virus during growth. We hypothesize that depending on the prevalent environmental conditions, only a portion of the daughter tubers of a plant that is secondarily infected by viruses may become infected. To test this hypothesis experimental data from standardized field experiments were produced in three contrasting environments at 112, 3280, and 4000 m a.s.l. in Peru during two growing seasons. In these experiments, the percentage of infected daughter tubers produced by seed tubers that were infected with either potato potexvirus X (PVX), potato Andean mottle comovirus (APMoV), potato potyvirus Y (PVY) (jointly infected with PVX) or potato leafroll luteovirus (PLRV) was determined. Incomplete autoinfection was found in all cases, as the percentage of virus infected daughter tubers harvested from secondarily infected plants was invariably less than 100%, with the lowest percentage of infection being 30%. Changing the growing site to higher altitudes decreased autoinfection for all viruses. Therefore, the assumption of complete autoinfection of secondarily infected plants were rejected, while the hypothesis of environmentally dependent incomplete autoinfection was accepted. The findings help explain the occurrence of traditional seed management practices in the Andes and may help to develop locally adapted seed systems in environments of the world that have no steady access to healthy seed tubers coming from a formally certified seed system. The results obtained almost three decades ago are discussed in light of most recent knowledge on epigenetic regulation of host plant – virus interactions which allow for speculating about the underlying biological principles of the incomplete autoinfection. A research roadmap is proposed for achieving explicit experimental proof for the epigenetic regulation of incomplete autoinfection in the pathosystem under study.Ítem INIA 333 – CHUGAYNA new Potato Variety Resilient to Climate Change for the Family Farming System with Tolerance to Frost, Resistant to Late Blight and high Quality for Fresh Consumption(Springer Nature, 2025-02-11) Cabrera Hoyos, Hector Antonio; Otiniano, Ronal; Pando Gomez, Rosemeri Veronica; Sanchez Garcia, Henry; Huamanchay Rodriguez, William; Perez, Juan M.; de Haan, Stef; Gastelo, ManuelThe new potato variety INIA 333–CHUGAYNA, is the result of the joint work of the NGO Asociación Pataz, INIA and the International Potato Center, it was generated through traditional breeding and the use of the participatory varietal selection methodology, as a variety resilient to climate change with frost tolerance, resistance to late blight, compared to the improved variety INIA 302-Amarilis and the native varieties, Huevo de Indio. This new variety is also resilient to climate change, tolerant to frost, with field resistance to late blight, high tuber yield, low glycoalkaloid content and high quality for fresh consumption, adapted up to 4000 m above sea level. It was released in 2023 and officially registered in the national registry of commercial varieties of Peru. The new variety INIA 333-CHUGAYNA requires minimal use of fungicides and has a high economic profitability that will improve the living standards of small and medium-sized farmers in Peru. It can also be used as a parent in breeding programs in other countries in development, to confront climate change, especially frost.Ítem Insecticidal properties of capsaicinoids and glucosinolates extracted from Capsicum chinense and Tropaeolum tuberosum(MDPI, 2019-05-06) Claros Cuadrado, José L.; Pinillos Monge, Elder Ofelia; Tito, Richard; Seguil Mirones, Carlos; Gamarra Mendoza, Norma N.Food security and biodiversity conservation are threatened by the emergence and spread of pest and pathogens, and thus there is a current need to develop pest management strategies that are sustainable and friendly to the environment and human health. Here, we performed laboratory and field bioassays to evaluate the insecticidal effects of several concentrations of capsaicinoids and glucosinolates (separately and mixed) on an aphid pest (Aphis cytisorum). The capsaicinoids were extracted from the fruits of Capsicum chinense and glucosinolates from the tubers of native Andean crop Tropaeolum tuberosum. We found that both capsaicinoids and glucosinolates have a biocidal effect on A. cytisorum, acting within a fairly short time. Under laboratory conditions, the toxicity of the compounds increased in relation to their concentrations, causing a high percentage of mortality (83–99%) when the aphids were exposed to dilutions of 10% capsaicinoids, 75–100% glucosinolates, or a mixture of 10% capsaicinoids and 90% glucosinolates. The mortality of aphids sprayed in the field with 5% capsaicinoids, 50% glucosinolates, or with a mixture of 5% capsaicinoids and 45% glucosinolates reached 87–97%. Results obtained from laboratory and field experiments were consistent. Our results suggest the potential use of bioinsecticides based on capsaicinoids and/or glucosinolates as an effective alternative to synthetic pesticides.Ítem Manejo de la producción del chirimoyo (Annona cherimola Mill.) frente al cambio climático(Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, 2010-05-17) Tineo Canchari, Juan Ignacio; Cisneros Chavarria, WilstonCon la finalidad de dar solución al problema del cuajado del fruto por la polinización natural en el chirimoyo en los valles interandinos debido al incremento de la temperatura por el cambio climático se ha planteado realizar el presente experimento en las plantaciones del banco nacional de germoplasma de chirimoyo, ubicado en Huanchacc (2380 msnm.) en Huanta, Ayacucho – Perú. Se ha determinado que con la poda de fructificación y defoliacion manual en los meses de agosto a septiembre y con la polinización manual en periodos frescos (al inicio de las primeras precipitaciones) se puede mejorar el cuajado del fruto incrementando significativamente la producción del chirimoyo.Ítem Modelling Snowmelt Runoff from Tropical Andean Glaciers under Climate Change Scenarios in the Santa River Sub-Basin (Peru)(MDPI, 2021-12-10) Calizaya, Elmer; Mejía, Abel; Barboza Castillo, Elgar; Calizaya, Fredy; Corroto, Fernando; Salas López, Rolando; Vásquez Pérez, Héctor Vladimir; Turpo Cayo, EfrainEffects of climate change have led to a reduction in precipitation and an increase in temperature across several areas of the world. This has resulted in a sharp decline of glaciers and an increase in surface runoff in watersheds due to snowmelt. This situation requires a better understanding to improve the management of water resources in settled areas downstream of glaciers. In this study, the snowmelt runoff model (SRM) was applied in combination with snow-covered area information (SCA), precipitation, and temperature climatic data to model snowmelt runoff in the Santa River sub-basin (Peru). The procedure consisted of calibrating and validating the SRM model for 2005–2009 using the SRTM digital elevation model (DEM), observed temperature, precipitation and SAC data. Then, the SRM was applied to project future runoff in the sub-basin under the climate change scenarios RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5. SRM patterns show consistent results; runoff decreases in the summer months and increases the rest of the year. The runoff projection under climate change scenarios shows a substantial increase from January to May, reporting the highest increases in March and April, and the lowest records from June to August. The SRM demonstrated consistent projections for the simulation of historical flows in tropical Andean glaciers.Ítem Obtaining new potato cultivars with late blight resistance and adapted to climate change using participatory varietal selection(David Publishing Company, 2020-02-28) Zúñiga López, Luz Noemí; Gastelo Benavides, Manuel Antonio; Bastos Zuñiga, Carolina; Reyes Espinoza, Jhercy Pepe; Alania, Edson; Ninalaya Cerrón, Evelin NataliThe potato crop in Peru is the main income and food source for the smallholder of the highland grower of the Peruvian Andes. For urban population, it represents one of the main components of the food basket and for commercial intermediaries. It is the main brokerage product considering its volume and value. To facilitate the adoption and diffusion of new potato cultivars after its release, adequate methodologies are necessary to apply during the process of evaluation and selection. One of these methodologies is called participatory varietal selection (PVS). The objective of this study was to identify new potato cultivars and/or genotypes with resistance or tolerance to adverse effects of climate change applying PVS, in order to obtain new varieties with acceptable economic yields. In this way potato growers of the Peruvian highland Andes should benefit through the improvement of their economic status, food security and overall life quality. During 2016-2017, three potato clones (CIP393079.4, CIP387096.2 and CIP396034.268) and two commercial varieties (Unica, Canchan) were evaluated at eight Peruvian locations in three regions (Huánuco, Junín and Huancavelica). Data were analyzed using a randomized complete block design, with three replications. Main criteria for selection were late blight resistance, abundant foliage, drought tolerance, yield and uniform and healthy tubers. In all three regions the three best clones selected were CIP396034.268, CIP393079.4 and CIP387096.2, ranking in first, second and third place, respectively. Men and women selected the same clones, but in a different order. Commercial cultivars ranked 4th and 5th. However, local growers selected Canchan, CIP387096.2 and CIP393079.4 based on appearance, texture and taste tests. The last two clones (CIP387096.2 and CIP393079.4) should be considered for a future release.Ítem PODEROSA: Una nueva variedad de papa sustentable, resiliente al cambio climático producto de la alianza estratégica agricultura - minería(Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, INIA CHILE, 2023-06-30) Otiniano, R.; Gastelo, M.; Pérez, J. M.; Huamanchay, W.; Mendoza, D.; Cabrera Hoyos, Héctor AntonioEl cultivo de papa es uno de los más importantes en Perú, siendo afectado por el tizón tardío (Phytophthora infestans). Esta enfermedad puede ser controlada con fungicidas, afectando la salud y el ambiente. Una alternativa sustentable son las variedades resistentes. En las provincias de Sánchez Carrión y Pataz en la sierra norte del país, la papa es muy importante para la alimentación, generación de ingresos y seguridad alimentaria. Por esta razón, se formó una alianza estratégica entre el CIP, INIA, la ONGD Asociación Pataz y la Compañía Minera Poderosa S.A, con el objetivo de generar una nueva variedad de papa resistente a esta enfermedad, alto rendimiento, adaptada a esta zona. En el 2012-2013 se evaluaron 13 clones de la población B1C5 desarrollada por el CIP en campos de agricultores y del 2013 al 2014 el clon selecto CIP399049.22, se comparó con las variedades Amarilis, Canchan, Peruanita y Huevo de Indio, bajo el diseño de bloques completos al azar con tres repeticiones en ensayos solicitados por las leyes peruanas para el registro de variedades, usando la metodología de selección varietal participativa. El tizón tardío se controló oportuna y adecuadamente, a la cosecha se tomó el peso de los tubérculos, realizándose el análisis económico. El 2014 se liberó la variedad INIA 325 – PODEROSA, con alto nivel de resistencia al tizón tardío, con rendimientos hasta 40 t/ha, adaptada a esta zona, necesitando solamente dos aplicaciones de fungicidas de contacto frente a las otras variedades que necesitaron hasta 10 aplicaciones, reduciendo el uso de fungicidas, preservando el medioambiente y la salud. La rentabilidad de esta nueva variedad fue 117 % más que la variedad Amarilis. Actualmente cubre el 10 % del área sembrada con papa en estas dos provincias, beneficiando directamente a 3,550 productores e indirectamente a 9,600, permitiéndoles incrementar sus ingresos mejorando su calidad de vida. Este resultado es un ejemplo del trabajo colaborativo que puede existir entre organizaciones dedicadas a la investigación y desarrollo agrícola y las empresas mineras interesadas en mejorar las condiciones de vida de los agricultores de sus zonas de influencia, generando nuevas variedades que sean sustentables y resilientes al cambio climático.