Examinando por Autor "Paredes Espinosa, Richard"
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Ítem Agro-morphological characterization and diversity analysis of Coffea arabica germplasm collection from INIA, Peru(John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2023-06-06) Paredes Espinosa, Richard; Gutiérrez Reynoso, Dina Lida; Atoche Garay, Diego Fernando; Mansilla Córdova, Pedro Javier ; Abad Romaní, Yudi Gertrudis; Girón Aguilar, Rita Carolina; Flores Torres, Itala; Montañez Artica, Ana Gabriela; Arbizu Berrocal, Carlos Irvin; Amasifuen Guerra, Carlos Alberto; Maicelo Quintana, Jorge Luis; Poemape Tuesta, Carlos Augusto; Guerrero Abad, Juan CarlosCoffee (Coffea arabica L.) plays a major role in the economy of Peru and the world. The present study aims to elucidate the agro-morphological variability of coffee genotypes maintained in the INIA´s germplasm collection. Therefore, 20 vegetative, reproductive, and phytosanitary traits of 162 coffee accessions of INIA’s germplasm collection were evaluated and analyzed. Correlation results indicate that a simultaneous selection of characters, such as number of branches per plant, number of nodes per branch, leaf area and weight of a hundred fruits, can contribute to increase coffee yields. Additionally, coffee yield was negatively correlated with the incidence and severity of coffee leaf rust, and interestingly the occurrence of small and compact coffee plants with high resistance to the disease was also found. The analysis of Tocher and Mahalanobis D2 determined the formation of 10 groups of divergent coffee accessions; where clusters 1 (accession codes 20, 29, 38, 54, 67, 71, 117, 24, 26 and 27), 5 (accession codes 46 and 53), 9 (accession code 159), and 10 (accession code 203) group promising accessions that can be used in breeding programs. Principal component analysis (PCA) showed that at least five of its principal components managed to explain 70.01% of the total variation in the collection. Finally, the high coefficients obtained for the phenotypic, genotypic and heritability variation confirm the existence of additive genes in the evaluated population, that would ensure the success of coffee breeding programs based on the selection of traits of agronomic importance.Ítem Agro-morphological characterization and diversity analysis of Coffea arabica germplasm collection from INIA, Peru(John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2023-04-04) Paredes Espinosa, Richard; Gutiérrez Reynoso, Dina Lida; Atoche Garay, Diego Fernando; Abad Romaní, Yudi Gertrudis; Girón Aguilar, Rita Carolina; Flores Torres, Itala; Montañez Artica, Ana Gabriela; Arbizu Berrocal, Carlos Irvin; Amasifuen Guerra, Carlos Alberto; Poemape Tuesta, Carlos Augusto; Guerrero Abad, Juan CarlosCoffee (Coffea arabica L.) plays a major role in the economy of Peru and the world. The present study aims to elucidate the agro-morphological variability of coffee genotypes maintained in the INIA´s germplasm collection. Therefore, 20 vegetative, reproductive, and phytosanitary traits of 162 coffee accessions of INIA’s germplasm collection were evaluated and analyzed. Correlation results indicate that a simultaneous selection of characters, such as number of branches per plant, number of nodes per branch, leaf area and weight of a hundred fruits, can contribute to increase coffee yields. Additionally, coffee yield was negatively correlated with the incidence and severity of coffee leaf rust, and interestingly the occurrence of small and compact coffee plants with high resistance to the disease was also found. The analysis of Tocher and Mahalanobis D2 determined the formation of 10 groups of divergent coffee accessions; where clusters 1 (accession codes 20, 29, 38, 54, 67, 71, 117, 24, 26 and 27), 5 (accession codes 46 and 53), 9 (accession code 159), and 10 (accession code 203) group promising accessions that can be used in breeding programs. Principal component analysis (PCA) showed that at least five of its principal components managed to explain 70.01% of the total variation in the collection. Finally, the high coefficients obtained for the phenotypic, genotypic and heritability variation confirm the existence of additive genes in the evaluated population, that would ensure the success of coffee breeding programs based on the selection of traits of agronomic importance.Ítem Captura de hembras migrantes de broca del café (Hypothenemus hampei) con trampas caseras(Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria, 2022-12) Arias Ricaldi, Joab Nazario; Paredes Espinosa, RichardEl uso de trampas caseras con extracto acuoso de café mezclado con alcohol usado como atrayente es un método eficaz, barato y no contaminante para el control de la broca del café. Las trampas son elaboradas con materiales fácilmente disponibles, como botellas de plástico, frascos pequeños, alambre y alcohol medicinal, el cual es eficaz difusor del atrayente. Aquí se reportan los resultados de dos evaluaciones semanales efectuadas en un campo comercial. En ambas evaluaciones se registró la captura de cerca de 4000 hembras migrantes, con un valor promedio de 98,2 hembras/trampas/semana. De esta manera, se logró evitar la generación de 9 millones de individuos.Ítem Characterization of the horizontal resistance of coffee (Coffea arabica) to yellow rust (Hemileia vastatrix) in the field and laboratory(The American Phytopathological Society, 2022-03-25) Paredes Espinosa, Richard; Mansilla Córdova, P. J.; Abad Romaní, Yudi Gertrudis; Gutiérrez Reynoso, Dina Lida; Guerrero Abad, Juan Carlos; Egoávil, G.Between 2011–2013, yellow rust unleashed one of the most important phytosanitary crises in the coffee sector in Peru, causing a negative impact on the rural family economy. One of the factors associated with the intensification of the disease was the predominance of susceptible cultivars in agricultural systems. Faced with the need to rehabilitate the coffee park with new cultivars, the National Institute for Agrarian Innovation (INIA) has managed the installation of basic coffee germplasm for the development of the yellow rust resistance program, which is made up of 169 introductions from the departments of Pasco, Junín, Huánuco, Ucayali, Cajamarca, and Amazonas and obtained from 2015. The objective of the study was to evaluate the incidence and severity of epidemic conditions in the field and characterize the components of horizontal resistance, using the method of inoculations of H. vastatrix in separated coffee leaves in the laboratory. The epidemiological results collected from the field indicate that 12.43 and 20.71% of the genotypes showed complete and incomplete resistance, respectively; 66.86% showed high susceptibility to the pathogen. Three of the outstanding genotypes gave a typical horizontal resistance reaction when artificially inoculated with uredinospores on separated coffee leaves kept in a humid chamber.Ítem Cosecha y beneficio húmedo para cafés especiales(Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria, 2022-12) Paredes Espinosa, Richard; Arias Ricaldi, Joab Nazario; Abarca Piñan, Víctor Enoc; Montañez Artica, Ana GabrielaLa caficultura del VRAEM se basó en producción de las variedades Typica, Caturra y Catimor (INIA, 2019), que en años posteriores a la crisis de la roya amarilla (Hemileia vastatrix) fueron paulatinamente reemplazadas por nuevas introducciones de café a fin de mejorar el rendimiento y mantener la calidad de la taza. Entre los genotipos introducidos a la zona se encuentran las variedades Geisha, Catuaí, Obatá, Marsellesa, Tupi y Catiguá. Sin embargo, los programas del gobierno nacional siguen recomendando algunos genotipos que conforman los cafés de excelencia (Caturra, Typica, Bourbón, Pacamara y Pache) pero para altitudes mayores a 1600 m s.n.m., con un plan de manejo del cultivo que permita disminuir las pérdidas debido a problemas fitosanitarios y maximizar las ganancias en función a la calidad. La producción y comercialización de los cafés especiales se presenta como una gran oportunidad para lograr la sostenibilidad del cultivo y mejorar los ingresos de las familias caficultoras del VRAEM El presente manual reúne las experiencias de campo desarrollados en las parcelas demostrativas de café situadas en el ámbito del VRAEM, con el fin de difundir un paquete tecnológico que permita obtener cafés de especialidad.Ítem Desempeño de 16 variedad de Coffea arabica frente a la infestación del minador de la hoja (Leucoptera Coffeella)(Sociedad Entomológica del Perú, 2021-11) Paredes Espinosa, Richard; Abad Romaní, Yudi Gertrudis; Egoávil Jump, Giannfranco; Aguirre Gil, Oniel JeremíasLas accesiones 66, 174 y 226 tienen potencial para instalarse en zonas de alta infestación L. coffeella, ya que, podrían ser opciones viables en programas de manejo integrado de plagas enfocadas en el uso de variedades resistentes que consecuentemente contribuirán con la disminución del uso de insecticidas y conservación del medio ambiente.Ítem Evaluation of cocoa (Theobroma cacao) clones at the artificial inoculation of Moniliophthora roreri in Tingo María, Perú(The American Phytopathological Society, 2022-03-25) Paredes Espinosa, Richard; Rios, R. A.; Egoávil, G.; Chia Wong, J. A.The objective of the study was to evaluate the reaction of Theobroma cacao clones to the artificial inoculation of Moniliophthora roreri, at the Tulumayo Experimental Station, Tingo María. Eleven “S” clonal hybrids and 3 “C” farmer collection clones were studied. Conidia of M. roreri were inoculated into 65-day-old fruits, protected for 48 h in a humid chamber. Incidence, external severity (SE) according to fruit damage in degrees were evaluated weekly, 0: healthy fruit, 1: hydrosis, 2: swelling, 3: necrosis, 4: mycelium that covers ¼ part of the stain and 5: mycelium that covers more than ¼ part of the stain, and internal severity (SI): percentage of necrotic grain in each fruit, the clones being compared by ANOVA and Tukey’s test (α = 0.05). The results show a high incidence in all the clones, with values of 91.67 to 100%. Clone S-19 showed the lowest SE, which was 2.64, while clones S-01, S-08, S-09, S-11, S-13, S-15, S-22; S-24, S-26, S-28, C-02, C-03, and C-29 reported values between 3.64 and 5. The SI, fluctuated from 4.18 to 5 in all the clones evaluated. It is concluded that the clones are classified as susceptible to M. roreri, however, despite the fact that clone S-19 succumbed to the disease, it was able to delay the disease and the production of spores, an important character in the field that allows increasing the interval of fruit removal and fungicide applications, reducing production costs, negative environmental effects and improving work efficiency.Ítem Impacto de dos tipos de trampas y feromonas de agregación en colectas de insectos de la familia Cerambycidae: Resultados preliminares.(Sociedad Entomológica del Perú, 2021-11) Bendezú, Gerson; Machacca, Teofila; Sanabria, Joel; Masgo, Cristian; Gonzales, Wilma; Carrera, Jhems; Vilca, Karolyn; Paredes Espinosa, Richard; Egoávil Jump, Giannfranco; Allison, Jeremy Dean; Aguirre Gil, Oniel JeremíasDe acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos, se concluye que la mayor cantidad de especímenes se colecta con trampas cebadas de la feromona individual syn-2,3-hexadiol y la mezcla binaria syn -2.3-hexadiol+fuscumol acetato en trampas de cuatro paneles y la mayor cantidad de especies de Cerambycidae colectados pertenecen a la especie M. andesiana.Ítem Manejo integrado de plagas en el cultivo de café(Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria, 2022-12) Paredes Espinosa, Richard; Abarca Piñan, Víctor Enoc; Arias Ricaldi, Joab Nazario; Artica Montañez, Ana Gabriel; Carrera Rojo, Ronald Pio; Ayala Salcedo, WenceslaoEl presente documento fue elaborado por el Equipo Técnico de la Estación Experimental Agraria Perla del VRAEM y compila diversos ensayos de campo desarrollados en las distintas parcelas demostrativas de café en el VRAEM, con el objetivo de difundir un paquete tecnológico que permita orientar a los agricultores en el manejo del cultivo y uniformizar conocimientos entre los profesionales del área para la oportuna identificación, monitoreo, prevención y control de las plagas del café.Ítem Massive production of Hemileia vastatrix uredospores for infection of Coffea arabica seedlings(Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, 2023-07-10) Hernández Amasifuen, Angel David; Rivadeneyra Chisquipama, Lenin; Padilla Dominguez, Amner; Paredes Espinosa, Richard; Guerrero Abad, Juan Carlos; Torres Flores, Elías; Peláez Rivera, Jorge Luis; Carvajal Vallejos, Fernando Marcelo; Gutiérrez Reynoso, Dina Lida; Corazon Guivin, Mike AndersonCoffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix) is the most important disease in coffee crops around the world. Currently, there is limited knowledge about mass production methodologies and ex-situ infection of H. vastatrix that lead to the development of different health characterization studies of Coffea or disease phenotyping. In this context, the aim of this research was to develop a simple protocol for the mass production of coffee rust uredospores under controlled conditions and to determine their infection in coffee seedlings. Uredospores of H. vastatrix were collected from infected plants in the “Chontal” coffee-growing area in San Martín, Peru. The viability of uredospore germination was evaluated, and a uredospores suspension (2 x 105 uredospores/mL) was prepared to inoculate coffee seedlings. Incidence and sporulation rates were evaluated after 43 days of inoculation. During the multiplication process of H. vastatrix uredospores, using controlled conditions (23±1 °C, ≈ 80% relative humidity and photoperiod of 16 hours of light) under an innovative system, the first symptoms of chlorosis were observed on coffee leaves 20 days after inoculation. Our findings show a 100% incidence of inoculated coffee plants with an average of 54 mg of H. vastatrix uredospores per plant and a 1.38 x 10-1 mg/cm2 sporulation rate. Finally, here we report a protocol that allows mass multiplication of H. vastatrix uredospores under controlled conditions, that would be useful in any time for coffee leaf rust bioassays.Ítem Responses of Megacyllene andesiana and Oreodera bituberculata (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) to anti-2,3-hexanediol, fuscumol, and fuscumol acetate in Peru(Cambridge University Press, 2024-09-25) Aguirre Gil, Oniel Jeremías; Paredes Espinosa, Richard; Egoávil Jump, Giannfranco; Allison, Jeremy DeanManagement of phytosanitary and biosecurity risks associated with the Cerambycidae focuses on prevention and early detection. Semiochemical-baited traps are an important component of these management efforts. Cerambycid pheromones are often screened in field trials to develop inventories of which species can be surveyed with which semiochemicals. We report field trials of two types of intercept traps (four- and three-sided panel traps) baited with known Cerambycidae pheromones aimed to capture Peruvian fauna. Intercept traps were baited with anti-2,3-hexanediol, fuscumol, and fuscumol acetate alone and in binary and ternary blends. The most frequently captured species was Megacyllene andesiana (Casey) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) (n = 268), followed by Oreodera bituberculata Bates (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) (n = 59), Discopus eques Bates (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) (n = 37), and Aegomorphus longitarsis (Bates) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) (n = 31). Trap type did not affect capture rates. Male and female M. andesiana were attracted by anti-2,3-hexanediol. The addition of fuscumol, fuscumol acetate, or the combination of fuscumol and fuscumol acetate reduced male M. andesiana captures, whereas the addition of fuscumol and the combination of fuscumol and fuscumol acetate reduced the response of female M. andesiana. Male O. bituberculata were attracted to traps baited with fuscumol, and this response was reduced by the addition of fuscumol acetate, whether or not anti-2,3-hexanediol was present.Ítem Selecting native entomopathogenic fungi against Cosmopolites sordidus (Germar) in the laboratory(Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, 2021-03-29) Garrido Pérez, Junior Steve; Paredes Espinosa, Richard; Egoávil Jump, Giannfranco; Aguirre Gil, Oniel JeremíasThe objective of this study was to select native isolates of entomopathogenic fungi against adult Cosmopolites sordidus in laboratory conditions. Four isolates of Beauveria bassiana, two isolates of Metarhizium anisopliae, and two isolates of Paecilomyces lilacinus were tested against C. sordidus. The entomopathogenic fungi that resulted in mortality rates over 50% were M. anisopliae (MA-CsCha and MACarabid) and B. bassiana (BB-CsCha and BB-CsLp). The most virulent isolates were MA-CsCha, BBCsCha, and MA-Carabid with median lethal times (LT50) of 4.82, 5.4, and 5.79 days, respectively. In conclusion, the MA-CsCha, BB-CsCha, MA-Carabid, and BB-CsLp isolates are viable candidates to be tested in banana fields.Ítem Tillage practices and liming: comparative study of soil properties and forage corn production(MDPI, 2024-03-09) Ocaña Reyes, Jimmy Alcides; Gutierrez Tang, Marco Antonio; Paredes Espinosa, Richard; Riveros Lizana, Christian Alonso; Cárdenas Rengifo, Gloria Patricia; Bravo Morales, Nino Frank; Quispe Tomas, Astrid Chilsy; Amaringo Cordova, Luiz Paulo; Ocaña Canales, Juan C.; Zavala Solórzano, José W.; Huamaní Yupanqui, Hugo A.; Cruz Luis, Juancarlos Alejandro; Solórzano Acosta, Richard AndiTillage conservation practices (CA), traditional agriculture (TA), and liming influence soil properties and crop yield. However, it is essential to demonstrate which tillage and liming practices improve soil properties and forage corn yield. This study compared soil properties and forage corn production in two tillage systems with the addition of dolomite and lime, which formed four treatments. The tillage in the first three days surpassed the TA soil CO2 emission, with 64.8% more CO2 than in the CA soil, and the TA hydraulic conductivity and bulk density were more suitable than those in the CA soil. The CA soil had 233 earthworms m−2 more than in TA. The TA green forage corn yielded 6.45 t ha−1 more than in CA, with a higher P, Ca, and Mg foliar content than in CA, but in the CA, the foliar N and K were higher than in TA. The liming increased soil cations (except K), highlighting the lime on dolomite with—52% Al and + 4.85 t ha−1 of forage corn compared to the control. Soil CO2 emission was far lower in CA than in TA, with a slightly lower forage yield, and other soil properties were improved, meaning lower land preparation costs and time savings than in TA. Lime improved acidic soil faster than dolomite, generating higher forage yields.