Condori Ataupillco, TatianaFlores Marquez, RicardoQuispe Rodriguez, JuanQuispe Matos, Kenyi RolandoVelásquez Mantari, JoséSolorzano Acosta, Richard2025-02-282025-02-282024-12-30Condori‐Ataupillco, T.; Flores‐Marquez, R.; Quispe, K.; Quispe‐Rodriguez, J.; Velásquez‐Mantari, J.; & Solórzano‐Acosta, R. (2025). Biochar-amended soils: A water-saving strategy for quinoa cultivation in the Andes. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, 4(1), e70036. doi: 10.1002/sae2.700362767-035X studies showed that biochar amended soils significantly enhanced the growth and yield of quinoa under water limitations. So it becomes an emerging agronomic strategy to consider for sustainable quinoa production. Biochar can specifically be considered for the area particularly receiving low annual rainfall and more vulnerable to current climate change conditionsapplication/pdfenginfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess stressProductivitySoil amendmentSoil moistureBiochar-amended soils: A water-saving strategy for quinoa cultivation in the Andesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/article