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Extended studies of interspecific relationships in Daucus (Apiaceae) using DNA sequences from ten nuclear orthologues.pdf.jpg24-sep-2019Extended studies of interspecific relationships in Daucus (Apiaceae) using DNA sequences from ten nuclear orthologuesMartínez Flores, Fernando; Crespo, Manuel B.; Geoffriau, Emmanuel; Allender, Charlotte; Ruess, Holly; Arbizu Berrocal, Carlos Irvin; Simon, Philipp W.; Spooner, David M.
Genetic diversity and population structure assessed by SSR in a Peruvian germplasm collection of loche squash (Cucurbita moschata, Cucurbitaceae).pdf.jpg14-mar-2022Genetic Diversity and Population Structure Assessed by SSR in a Peruvian Germplasm Collection of Loche Squash (Cucurbita moschata, Cucurbitaceae)Arbizu Berrocal, Carlos Irvin; Blas Sevillano, Raúl Humberto; Ugás, Roberto
Saldaña_et-al_2022_ulcumano_genetic_diversity.pdf.jpg27-dic-2022Genetic structure and diversity of a peruvian collection of a high-quality wood tree species, Ulcumano (Retrophyllum rospigliosii, PodocarpaceaeSaldaña Serrano, Carla Lizet; Cancán Loli, Johan Deyvid; Salazar Hinostroza, Evelin Judith; Chumbimune Vivanco, Sheyla Yanett; Jhoncon Kooyip, Jorge Hugo; Arbizu Berrocal, Carlos Irvin
Integrated Molecular and Morphological Studies of the Daucus guttatus Complex (Apiaceae).pdf.jpg28-jun-2016Integrated Molecular and Morphological Studies of the Daucus guttatus Complex (Apiaceae)Arbizu Berrocal, Carlos Irvin; Simon, Philipp W.; Martínez Flores, Fernando; Ruess, Holly; Crespo, Manuel B.; Spooner, David M.
Yildiz-et-al_2022_Carrrots_Germplasm.pdf.jpg25-abr-2022Inter-primer binding site (iPBS) retrotransposon markers provide insights into the genetic diversity and population structure of carrots (Daucus, Apiaceae)Yildiz, Mehtap; Arbizu Berrocal, Carlos Irvin
MORPHOMETRICS OF DAUCUS (APIACEAE) - A COUNTERPART TO A PHYLOGENOMIC STUDY.pdf.jpg1-nov-2014Morphometrics of Daucus (Apiaceae): A counterpart to a phylogenomic studyArbizu Berrocal, Carlos Irvin; Reitsma, Kathleen R.; Simon, Philipp W.; Spooner, David M.
Phylogenetic Prediction of Alternaria Leaf Blight Resistance in Wild and Cultivated Species of Carrots.pdf.jpg14-sep-2017Phylogenetic Prediction of Alternaria Leaf Blight Resistance in Wild and Cultivated Species of CarrotsArbizu Berrocal, Carlos Irvin; Tas, Pamela M.; Simon, Philipp W.; Spooner, David M.
PHYLOGENOMICS OF THE CARROT GENUS (DAUCUS, APIACEAE).pdf.jpg1-oct-2014Phylogenomics of the Carrot Genus (Daucus, Apiaceae)Arbizu Berrocal, Carlos Irvin; Ruess, Holly; Senalik, Douglas; Simon, Philipp W.; Spooner, David M.